Friday 21 September 2007

damn good advice

i know you'll have seen this a billion times on various blogs and magazines, but i now have my very own copy. i bought it ages ago from barter books (for a bargain £3.60 or some crazily low amount) and my friend anna has just framed it for me and it looks gorgeous. she's done a brilliant job, the mount board colour is perfect. it makes me so happy! :) (the above image is from the barter books website, my camera battery has just died.) i had no idea the amount of products you can now get with this image; t-shirts, tea towels, posters in lots of different colours, and bags to name but a few. the website is screen printing them for £18 in the most yummy blue, (although the website is painfully slow) and also has a poster with 'loose lips sink ships' too, more good advice for yappy-put-your-foot-in-it-me.


style='clear: both;'
Denise Kiggan said...

I know, I have also seen it a few times, but it is delightful and VERY good advice. Enjoy your poster!

Ali said...

I look at mine frequently. Often as I stagger to the top of the stairs with yet another armful of laundry!

Enjoy yours.

Anna Betts said...

Ooh! Yours definitely looks better if I do say so myself...
If you should have a break-in and the only thing missing is the poster, don't be that surprised...OK? I mean that in the most loving way of course!