'brown flower' has just been listed in the shoppette.
on a totally different subject (but still about me, how self-indulgent ;) i had an email last week from a lovely lady called sue who sent through a link to the quilting arts magazine blog because my work is featured on it. the editor of the magazine, patricia bolton is a not only a lovely, lovely lady, but owns several pieces of my work. she also interviewed me about selling on etsy for another magazine, cloth paper scissors. the delightful heather sent me the article, and holy moly, my stuff is gracing the front page of the article in glorious technicolour! so all in all a nice bit of blog and magazine exposure :)
style='clear: both;'-
30 March 2008 at 21:32
30 March 2008 at 22:22
1 April 2008 at 10:02
Well done! and woo-hooo!!!! :)
well done, how fabo and why not talk about oneself? That's why we visit isn't it? ;-)
good lord! well done lady. your work looks great in print.
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