yesterday we went to the seaside for the day...and oh, it was a right o'l treat! it was so sunny and lovely, i seem to relax as soon as i see the sea. i dream of having a new england style house on the beach (yeah, i know, who doesn't?) fantastic. the above pic is of an excited arth on the beach...he wouldn't stay still long enough to let me take a proper one..."no, mummy, i want to dig!"
anyhoo, i've just listed the above canvas (called 'random yellow') and the previous one ('random red') in the shop. oh yeah, talking of shops, i've just opened a new one on folksy. it's a new marketplace for handmade stuff, a uk version of etsy, if you will. it's in beta mode at the moment, but so far, it's good to look at and pretty easy to use. all very exciting!
style='clear: both;'-
14 July 2008 at 19:24
The Bunny Maker
16 July 2008 at 23:48
ooh! i hadn't heard of it, gonna have a look around. i like the name...folksy.
aha! you're on Folksy! i'm trying to find out whether its worth joining! i've got sooo many things i'm doing right now ... one more thing might tip me over the edge!
time for a clear out of those groups!
any info about Folksy gratefully recieved.
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