well, it's done. done and done. DONE! i'm exhausted...why? i've no idea, the strain maybe? i feel lighter though...and i think lighter still when the quilt is sent off next week to its temporary home in birmingham for a few days in august. and of course what did mum and i talk about while finishing the binding? well, we were plotting next year's quilt of course!
note: i just did a really rough tot-up of hours mum and i put into this quilt, and it came to 55 hours. and with things like hand stitching the binding and sleeve, that's both of us working at the same time. phew! 55 hours! (and actually, that doesn't include the hours it took to print all the fabrics either!)
style='clear: both;'-
lamina@do a bit
15 July 2011 at 21:14
16 July 2011 at 09:26
17 July 2011 at 22:31
20 July 2011 at 20:52
Wow 55 hours!! That's a weeks work in a full time job plus a lot overtime!! What a fantastic job you and you mum did... it looks fantastic and what a wonderful way to spend time together :)
I can't decide if I love this or the portholes one more... Beautiful work...
Looking forward to seeing it up close...!!
Those fabric look fab just as the binding....
Another fantastic quilt you and your mum have created. I can't believe its a year since you did the beautiful circles quilt together.
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