Wednesday, 11 July 2012


i had a lovely eureka moment yesterday & despite having lots of other things to do, decided i had to put my idea into practice right know how that happens, yes? so cue lots of clearing up of the papers that covered my print table (read: shoving in an untidy pile) and getting stuck in...

...and the result is overprinting on the summersville collection! admittedly i've only done this one so far, but i'm open to requests & will be doing more of them today. i'm a little bit addicted to metallic colours (i've got copper, gold and silver) but i think it's going to work nicely with bright colours on top of black and maybe black on the top of some of the other actual fact, the possibilities are pretty endless. so...i think you know what  i'll be doing today :)

i'm sorry for the terrible silence of late, i can't believe it's been so long...needless to say the meetings i was so nervous about went better than i could ever have hoped and i should be able to share with you soon. exciting times!


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Charlotte said... 1 2

that looks amazing!
fab news on the meetings xx

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said... 3 4

Looks superb Lucie - and metallic YUM!!

Cheryl Arkison said... 5 6

Tres cool!
After all the secret activity you deserve some playtime.

Melanie Wickham said... 7 8

I love the overprinting - and metallic too, yipee!

Judith, Belfast said... 9 10

I have a tunic top that looks just like that! Beautiful! Jxo

SueB said... 11 12

Please please copper on black would look wonderful with some black batiks that are stuck in my cupboard - the sort of bundle which said buy me and then I couldn't bear to cut into them.

Shevvy said... 13 14

I like that, it has a completely different feel to it with those colours. Sort of African. Clearly lots of possibilities.

Katy Cameron said... 15 16

Yay for new techniques working out, and double yay on the meetings!

Cherie said... 17 18

That looks great! Those colours look good together. Glad to hear that the meetings went well =D

Mrs Flying Blind... said... 19 20

Sounds like you have got it going on!