Wednesday 20 June 2007

don't you just hate it when....

you're getting on nicely, thank you, with a piece of work, you put it aside while you (begrudgingly) deal with domestic duties. you go back to it an hour or so later and your thread disappears. you look under the chair, behind the chair, under the cushions, under the coffee table. no joy. then you think, "maybe i took it with me absentmindedly into the kitchen" so in you trot, you look on the table, under the table, in the cupboards, the fridge and the oven. no joy. in the toy box? nope. in the garden? nope. in the dustbin? (it's been done before) "ahhhhhh.....maybe i hoovered it up!" nope. so where the bloody hell is my flippin' red thread?! it's sitting somewhere mocking me. if threads had feelings and thoughts, it would be sitting curled up in some random hiding place, thinking "aha, watch as she flies around the house looking for me. i have no intention of being found and chopped up in to small pieces and tied onto that potentially award winning quilt" that's what it would be thinking. well sod you, red thread, sit in your hiding place getting dusty and gross, i've already ordered your replacement. i'm gettin' myself some trophy thread. so what if it ended up costing me over a fiver what with postage and packaging? so what if i only actually need a metre 'cos i've nearly finished the quilt? it will serve it's purpose and will get all the glory.

anyway, the darn quilt is nearly finished so i thought i'd share with you a couple of shots; a side view to show the little tufts sticking up and a closeup. hope you like!


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Swirlyarts said...

Have you tried looking for it in all the obvious places like on the sofa or the chair where you were working? That's where my things always end up! Either there or the fridge.....

lu summers said...

yep, and up the hoover and the bin, and found nothing but a million odd socks, pen tops, elastic bands and dust:)