Saturday, 21 July 2007

harry the happy horse

a vision in lilac for today's nahcotta piece, with a delightful drawing of a horse by me circa 1982. this is actually the last piece, so i've got a ton of binding to do. what a thrilling saturday evening i have to look forward to! :) (actually, at the risk of sounding like a tragic dullard, i wouldn't want it any other way.)

have a happy and restful weekend, y'all!

1 comment:

style='clear: both;'
Heather Moore said... 1 2

Hi Lucie
Great to find your blog and these beautiful paper quilts.

Thanks so much for your comment and empathetic retail therapy tale. In my opinion, apples and 32 go together just fine! (Have you seen Mikodesign's lovely apple print? You can find a link to her Etsy site through Bloesem).
