Sunday, 5 August 2007

tigerprint update and thankyou raspberry!

just a quickie as it's sunday...i didn't win the tigerprint competition with plant life, but if you want to see who did and the 5 runners up, check out bowiestyle at print and pattern.

if you're over here visiting from raspberry's blog, welcome to you all. your visits have given my blog counter a good workout, i wondered where all this attention was coming from until i saw all the referrals from raspberry. hope you enjoy your visit, i'd love to hear some comments from new (and old!) comers! have a happy sunday folks!


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Anonymous said... 1 2

bah! too late for the comp! i love drawing patterns too.

Anonymous said... 3 4

I found you via raspberry too. Your are now in my bloglines feeds.

Anonymous said... 5 6

thank you :)

Anonymous said... 7 8

Thanks for your submission to the Tigerprint Competition and sorry you did not win this time.
There are plenty more competitions planned and we do contact entrants with a view to doing freelance work too.
Kind regards
