it's been a bit quiet on the blog front because i'm frantically making orders for door plaques for not on the high street. they are now all packaged up (done whilst cooking last night's dinner, i'm getting good at multi-tasking, but then, i am a woman) and ready to be enjoyed by the recipients. i hope. i never stop worrying that people will hate what i've done, or i'll have made an obvious spelling mistake...actually i'm going to stop worrying now, otherwise i'll be ripping open all these packets to check. off to stop obsessing, and for some breakfast. happy saturday chaps, i've got a lovely day of making...the kids are off making a bonfire for tomorrow night's farm firework display. woohoo. (frank doesn't want a guy, i think he's a little freaked out by the idea of putting a 'person' to burn on the bonfire...actually, i see his point ;)
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