yesterday was my first blog birthday! who knew i'd be able to do this for an entire year? amazing. in honour of this exciting occasion (yeah, i'm being tongue in cheek there, i don't take myself that seriously ;) i'm giving away a new paper collage, pictured above, called 'lower case'. rather apt, i thought, as i never tend to use caps! anyway, in order to win this piece (6 x 6 inches, mounted on a board just over 7 x 7 inches) all you need to do is leave your name in the comments section, along with the last time you ever cried and why. don't worry, you don't need to get too personal if you don't want to! i'm not ashamed to say i cried yesterday watching a fairly lame sunday afternoon movie about old people in a retirement home, so you can't really be any more pathetic than that. good luck, and many thanks to my hard core group of readers...you know who you are and you rock!
oh, you've got until friday 20th at midnight (gmt) to comment, i'll announce the winner here on saturday morning.
style='clear: both;'-
16 June 2008 at 10:13
16 June 2008 at 10:43
Miss Crafty
16 June 2008 at 13:10
16 June 2008 at 13:34
The Queen of Fifty Cents
16 June 2008 at 14:17
16 June 2008 at 14:24
16 June 2008 at 14:31
16 June 2008 at 15:04
charlotte narunsky
16 June 2008 at 15:55
16 June 2008 at 15:57
16 June 2008 at 16:06
16 June 2008 at 16:49
16 June 2008 at 17:05
16 June 2008 at 17:09
16 June 2008 at 17:21
16 June 2008 at 17:29
16 June 2008 at 17:47
Krafty Keely
16 June 2008 at 17:49
Hi! I'm Wendi!
16 June 2008 at 17:56
16 June 2008 at 19:24
16 June 2008 at 19:32
16 June 2008 at 19:53
16 June 2008 at 20:05
Southern Blood
16 June 2008 at 20:07
Foxglove Studios
16 June 2008 at 20:11
16 June 2008 at 20:15
16 June 2008 at 20:21
16 June 2008 at 20:47
Kitten's Lost Her Mittens
16 June 2008 at 21:11
Lady Bracknell
16 June 2008 at 21:32
sue bulmer
16 June 2008 at 22:09
17 June 2008 at 03:56
17 June 2008 at 07:28
17 June 2008 at 17:31
17 June 2008 at 21:39
17 June 2008 at 22:12
17 June 2008 at 23:30
18 June 2008 at 03:15
Helen Cuthbert
18 June 2008 at 12:43
18 June 2008 at 15:40
19 June 2008 at 08:34
~ tilde ~
20 June 2008 at 02:32
20 June 2008 at 12:27
20 June 2008 at 19:43
annie clarkson
22 June 2008 at 22:31
25 June 2008 at 18:03
Yesterday, it was my baby boy's first birthday. He had such a lovely, happy day and I remembered the trauma of getting him here in the first place. I cried more than once.
And I just love your new piece, the square format works really well.
...well, what can I say, my last time has been last friday, in my name day, when I've read the greeting card that my little daughter Federica has written me, she's touched my heart! :o)
...and about your lovely giveaway (thanks so much for your generosity!), it should be a beautiful belated gift for me, so I'll keep my finger crossed!!
A kiss from Italy...:o*
It would have be this morning (I'm so emotional) as it was yet another early Monday morning where I had to kiss my fiance goodbye to go back down south (I live/work in Scotland, he lives/works in England).
I have to confess shedding a tear just this morning too! It was this post that made me: http://happyarts.blogspot.com/2008/06/gestern-vor-6-jahren.html
It is a beautiful sequence of photos posted by a loving mother, from birth to the 6th birthday of her precious Down Syndome boy. Oooh yeah, I cried! Can't understand a word of the text, but the pictures speak for themselves. Very special.
Thank you for the chance in your giveaway. I admire your wonderful work all the way from Australia!
Okay, I admit it--I cried a little in my car this morning on the way to work, thinking about my family.
I'm so upset - I cannot remember!! I'm obviously not prone to frequent tears.
The waterworks were flowing big time here last Tuesday! My little doxie, Peanut, hurt her back and she stopped eating, drinking and walking. Was so bad we thought we were going to have to part with her. After 3 vet visits, 2 accupuncture sessions and 2 spinal adjustments and loads of prayer, she is improving! She and I are back to smiling once again!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win one of your wonderful pieces of art!
Okay, well, the last time I tried was this Saturday, I don't even know why exactly! Over tired from lack of sleep? Could be! Too hot from this incredibly humid weather we are having? Could be. Just too much to do with the kids, the housework, the wanting to sew? Could be!
I'll be more careful next time and takes notes , so I remember why!
Congratulations on your blogger-versary! The last time I cried was (unfortunately!) in the middle of an argument on saturday night! Sheer frustration!
The last time I cried was watching the movie PS I love you – a real tear jerker! The next time I cry is most likely to be if I don't "win" this fabo piece of yours. Plus my blog's first birthday is on 29 June and this would make a lovely present for it.
...Happy Bloggiversty...;-)) I I just cried a while ago: Have been cleaning the fridge all morning, them my son came home from school got something out of the fridge and spilled a drink in it...and all was full of sticky red spots again....frustration could only be released with some crying!!!
Would love to win, BTW!
hi! i found you thru flickr! i love your work and thought i would stop by! i cried a few days ago. of course it was dealing with issues with one of my kids. congrats on your blog-versary!
Happy Blogiversary Lu. I'd love this liitle print so please add me to the draw. The last time I cried - hmm, well I don't cry that often (maybe because i don't have tears - is that weird or what?) and Mr monda calls me the ice queen! I think it must have been the last time I was throwing up - so maybe a year ago...
Congratulations on the year!
The last time I cried was last Wednesday. We recently had to put our cat to sleep, and I have been healing from that.
Congrats on a lovely blog!!
I'm VERY hormonal right now - so ANYTHING can make me cry!!
Happy blogoversary :)
I last cried when I watched the SATC film last Wednesday :)
Happy Blogiversary! I can't remember the last time I cried -- perhaps when we spread my father-in-laws ashes.
hi, lu happy birthday!
i last cried on saturday when my 17year old son made his dad & grand-dad a card for fathers day and spent real time and effort on them. they are not the greatest cards in the world but filled with love i'm filling up again(doesn't take muc to set me off)
i will keep mu fingers crossed as the collage is fab and i have just the spot for it!
i have kept to the lower case rule which was very difficult i have had to keep going back and amending everything.
keely x
The last time I cried was watching a guest on the Colbert Report. His name was Alan Rabinowitz and he talked about how he had an extremely bad stutter as a child. He explained that many people who stutter can speak clearly when they sing or when they talk to animals. He can't sing, but every day after school he would come home and go into his closet with his stuffed animals and speak - fluently - with them. He vowed that if he ever could learn to speak clearly he would speak for the animals because they, like him, have thoughts and feelings but no voice. I'm crying again just thinking of it! If anyone wants to see the episode it's at http://www.comedycentral.com/colbertreport/episodes/index.jhtml?episodeId=170994.
Congratulations on your blogaversary! I last cried this morning as I have knackered my knees trying to jog and they are bloody painful. My husband says it serves me right for trying to get fit! I have to hobble round with a stick at the mo so a nice giveaway would cheer me up no end!!
I cried yesterday because my daughter flew back to Michigan from our home in MT. She's been away for a year and was here for just a week to visit.... made me really sad a) because I miss her and b)I'm so proud of her because she's turned out so lovely (she's 25) both reasons to cry!
Jamie V in MT
I cried about a month ago because my mother told me she wasn't paying for a mural I painted for her. It was a double wammy. I was feeling down about my art to begin with. Her saying it wasn't worth paying for hurt. Second, it was my mother. If I could afford to gice her a mural for free I would have.
Hi, love your work and your blog!
I cried this morning listening to Woman's Hour.
i cried last sunday evening...my girlfriend of two years has struggled with her mom - she would not let her join our church and wouldn't even let her come sometimes! However, last week she recieved her mom's blessings to join so she finally went up front and cried as she told our pastor she was tired of being a visitor!!! I gave her a huuuuge hug afterwards and we cried out of joy! :D it was so amazing.
Love your work, hun!
I just cried a couple of hours ago because the drawer I thought was locked (with missing keys) with checks inside turned out NOT to be locked and the key was inside! Can you say PMS? :D
I cried on Fathers Day! My dad died three years ago but it seems just like yesterday! I miss my daddy!! I am 39 but will always be daddys little girl!!
OK this is pathetic but true - the last time I cried was during an episode of "Casualty"!
Aww happy blog birthday!! :D
The last time I cried was on Friday!! My other half bought me a lily bouquet and a lovely card. It was the cards words that made me cry though!! (why he calls me his soul mate! Awwwww)
Anyway, that's my blub!!
Oh and waving to you across the pond!! (I'm a brit living in the US)
Happy Blog Birthday!!!!
I cry quite easily, so I was SHOCKED to realize that the last time I cried was Thursday. Really? Four days without tears? I must not be too stressed out. ;)
I was out in the 'burbs for a doctor's appointment, and just as I started driving back into the city I saw a (dead) cat that had been hit by a car. I hate seeing any animal hit by a car, but the cats always get me because it makes me think how I'd feel if it happened to one of mine... I was trying desperately to hold back the tears, seeing as how I was on my way to work, but I was unsuccessful.
A very happy Bloggiversary to you :-)
I'm coming up towards my THIRD, would you believe, and I still don't think I ever really had anything to say in the first place...
I cried a couple of weeks ago when I had had an email argument with my senior manager over the team's H&S risk assessment. He is a very nice man really, but he just seemed to be being deliberately obtuse about my concerns and, frankly, to be attacking me for having them.
It was all very unpleasant.
But it blew over pretty quickly.
Happy blogbirthday to you and thanks for sharing you thought and lovely work with us over the past year.
I cry lots, am a real softy, an the last time I blubbed was watching Love Actually last week, for about the 20th time, the bit where Emma Thompsons character opend her Xmas pres from hubby Alan Rickman, and realises he might be having an affair. Sterling piece of acting. Oooh, and the bit where Colin Firth goes over to Portugal to find his girl and proposes to her in the restaurant where she works. Gets me every time!
Found you through flickr - "lower case" is lovely!
The last time I cried was in February, during my grandfather's funeral. I wasn't crying for myself, as I wasn't close to him; I was crying for my Nanna as I held her hand during one of the hymns. She loved her husband very much and was going to be without him for the first time since they met in 1947 or '48. They'd been married for nearly 59 years.
Lovely giveaway-
I can't remember the day - but it was highly likely to be due to being nearly eight months pregnant with my 2nd, and just finding out that our builder has pulled out of refitting our kitchen - so now theres no hope it will be done before the baby arrives! (i know we were cutting it fine anyway!)
happy blog-iversary!
l-o-v-e the commemorative "lower case".
last tear of joy shed a week ago.
after a lovely bike ride in the city,
we were in the kitchen:
working on meal prep for the week.
in the final moments,
"boy" was kneading our pride + joy
of which is rumored to be from
the original san francisco starter.
best present ever, thanks sue!
it was in the simplicity of this moment --
a part in our daily exercise
by way of living
in small ways,
like days long before;
the love he worked into the dough
w/a firm but graceful hand;
the smile radiating from his face
to mine, while
a few tears left my right eye
as i leaned in to leave a kiss.
we won't mention the brief tear
that welled sunday
when "boy" seared
my bare left shoulder
w/the scalding metal frying spatula.
a scar bearing witness to the every day....
p.s. wendi:
i almost cried while watching that episode
of the colbert report as well.
definitely a lump in the throat.
i'm so glad someone else was as moved as me!
Happy Birthday!
Crying, hmm, at the moment, most associated with children and school, no need to say more than that really!
Stunning piece as always, and love that table cloth too!
Hi I'm new to your blog and I love it! The last time I cried was just yesterday. I was on the phone with my 80 year old friend, who has just started writing prose. She read me one of her essays, and I teared up from the wonderful beauty of her words.
Happy Blogbirthday!!! I like your work very mutch!!
I cry every Thursday morning when my ex picks up my daughter. I am still adjusting to shared custody.
I love your work :)
Hello Happy Anniversary!! I last cried on Sunday watching Amelie ( again for the 100th time ) you would think having seen it that many times I would be a bit more immune to this beautiful film - but no!! x
Helen x
Congrats on your first birthday.
I cried on Monday thinking about my parents. It was their anniversary.
BTW will (sorry, that's WILL) be in touch in the next few weeks. Things have finally sort of sorted themselves out - well, enough to move along. Hope you're still interested as I've got some ideas.
good luck with the renovations - you are very brave! it took me 7 years do pluck up the courage to get someone in to sort out the kitchen!
Here's to another 12 months blogging!
Congratulation on you first b-day. my daughter will turn a year soon too.
The last saturday i loosen a tear. My best friend told me that is pregnant. I never thought that will be so exciting, i am really happy for them.
Sorry for my english. I'am from Chile (we spoke spanish).
the last time I shed a tear was on Sunday, Fathers day. My uncle died very suddenly five years ago, and It made me realise that I had never taken the chance to tell my Dad how much I loved him. I couldn't bear the thought that my own Father could pass away suddenly not knowing how much I care about him. Now I make a point of telling him every time we speak. I'm welling up even now!
This is going to sound right daft but..... I was watching a tv show about gardeners. One fella was talking with such poetry about the joy he experienced from finding the rhythm in the seasons and being connected to everything around him that a little stray tear fell down my cheek.
I got a little kitten yesterday, and she has been settling in over the past 24 hours, she fell asleep on my shoulder tonight, while we were watching the English Patient. I was caught by the lines... 'I die, I die in the dark...' I so love that film, it gets me every time.
Ok... I'm crying right now because I'm late for your giveaway! And I'm vowing to become one of your "hardcore" readers to make up for it and because I love your art and you have always been so nice to me :0) * crossing heart and making vow * . Congrats on your one year blogging effort. I intend to start next month and can't forsee a whole entire year of postings ! wow. Lucyellen
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