Friday, 6 June 2008

oh, gorgeous

i got really, really excited when i opened my new (july) elle decoration and saw takashi iwasaki's embroidery work...just bloody lovely. the colours, the shapes, the lines, the flow, so inspirational. see more delicious work here.
have a great weekend...i'm hoping to actually get some work done, rather than planning it but not doing it :)


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JuicyFig said... 1 2

This kind of work is new to me - will definatly have to investigate further - gorgeous!

I was just pondering on hew strange it is for someone who doesn't drink coffee to colect so many coffee pots, when I realised, I adore coffee, and collect tea pots! (well, not the weirdy ones, propper ones!...ok enough! digging strange hole now! hehehe)


Anonymous said... 3 4

Yes!!! I too saw Takashi Iwasaki's work in Elle Deco and loved it. How cool that embroiderers/textile artists are having their work used for illustration. Very exciting.