Wednesday, 20 August 2008

i'm all of a dither...

i've had a big thermofax screen made of my totem design...i can't wait to get started, will post the results as soon as they're done. hopefully this afternoon if i can get some screen time, but after i've watched murder she wrote, obviously.


style='clear: both;'
Anonymous said... 1 2

This looks so exciting Lu. I've never heard of this stuff before - sounds like a miracle product. Can't wait to see how your totem design turns out!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said... 3 4


Can't wait to see the goodness results!

Anonymous said... 5 6

murder she wrote! that makes me love your blog even more!
nice print, too.

sue bulmer said... 7 8

lu, how did you go about getting the screen thingy done? the results looks fab

lovely textiles said... 9 10

hmmm... Midsomer Murders got me through my pregnancy and gave me some terrible ideas about names... afternoon thrillers - you gotta love em. Lovely screen prints.

Jacqui Dodds said... 11 12

Thanks for posting this and showing the paint that you have used. How did you get on with it? I also have to stop everything and watch Murder She Wrote in the afternoons!

Tina said... 13 14

How do you like printing with the thermofax screens? Do you also screen print the traditional way, frames and mesh?