well, the sale ends officially tonight at midnight in the uk (so that's probably 6am in new york, but that's a guess) but basically, any order after midnight is going to get the discount - it just has to be in my inbox when i wake up in the morning! this is genuinely a really good deal, so if there's a sketchbook you've had your eye on, get it now :) i'll be changing the prices back to normal tomorrow morning. above is just a small selection of the goodies on offer...original one of a kind sketchbooks are reduced from $20 to $15...archival print cover sketchbooks are now $11.75 from $15. the pouch with stitched badges are now $18.75 from $25,while a set of three stitched badges on their own are now just $9 from $12. bargain! sorry to be banging on about this, but it's a really good deal. visit the sale here!
in other news, i've had a pretty difficult week juggling the boys and doing my work and as a result, i'm doing both things realy, really badly. and as the boys come first, i've decided to have a bit of a blogging break until the kids go back to school. i've also got some new ideas simmering underneath the surface of the fabric kind, so i really need an opportunity to experiment properly. i'll probably pop in from time to time, but if i don't, i'll see you in september, ok?
style='clear: both;'-
11 August 2008 at 09:59
sue bulmer
11 August 2008 at 16:06
ok :(
Will miss your posts, but enjoy your lovely boys, there will be plenty of time for creating when they are back at school x
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