Monday 1 September 2008


it occurred to me the other day that the packaging i use for my magnets and badges isn't really very exciting (little oval kraft boxes) or practical - the boxes really jack up the cost of postage, so i went about making a simple backing card style packaging that i can slip into poly bags. nice and light, problem solved. they also has the added bonus of being able to add shop information, so win-win. okay...i'm off to start making a chocolate cake for arth's 3rd birthday tomorrow. in the shape of a landrover. yes, a bloody landrover. a green one. oh joy. have i managed to produce another mini-farmer? oh yes, i'm afraid have.


style='clear: both;'
LPFish said...

Great improvement on so many levels!
Packaging and branding is something i could do with working on. But i am safe in the knowledge i can't really improve on my branded packaging ... i haven't got ANY!!!!!

Jo said...

Great packaging - quick to package up, lots of info, not expensive and great to look at!

(and the buttons are cute too!)

PhatSheep Textiles said...

Packaging looks great, it really makes the pattern on the badges stand out.
Good luck with the birthday cake, I chickened out of creating a tractor cake for my 2 year olds b-day last week for fear of the tears and upset from him when it had to be cut into bits!?