i've been pottering around with an unexpected afternoon to myself making some coasters. but do you think the print on the binding is too much? personally i like it (i'm mad about turquoise and green at the moment) but i'd love to hear some opinions. this feels lovely - it's backed in apple green felt and the binding is hand stitched - it's very tactile and feels just right if you know what i mean, but suddenly i got the collywobbles about the two prints together. and i think i'll probably stitch a different pattern too rather than the 'wobbly' lines. what say you? printed or plain binding? cheers peeps :) x
style='clear: both;'-
24 October 2008 at 17:16
sarah ahearn bellemare
24 October 2008 at 18:07
24 October 2008 at 18:25
Michelle Engel Bencsko
24 October 2008 at 21:46
25 October 2008 at 00:49
25 October 2008 at 10:21
PhatSheep Textiles
25 October 2008 at 12:26
25 October 2008 at 17:48
25 October 2008 at 19:49
25 October 2008 at 20:07
25 October 2008 at 20:23
Knit Sew City Girl
25 October 2008 at 21:19
26 October 2008 at 10:49
Christy Lynn
26 October 2008 at 13:34
all over the map
28 October 2008 at 01:22
i'd go with plain binding. it's not so much the two prints competing, but the color values of the blue and green are too similar to me. love the wobbly quilting though!
love em but think the plain binding would be just as good. you could do different color bindings with same fabric & mix and match. fun fun fun.
i'd like to see what a case of the collywobbles is btw.
xoxo. *s
I would say plain binding too - but keep the wobbly quilting. Or perhaps a stripe. I think in the photo it is difficult to see what print is on the binding - of course we know it is totem but to anybody else it might not be obvious! I do like the colour combination though.
I dunno. It all sort of goes with the style of the fabrics. I might say try both and see which one garners more interest. I sort of like the business. The plain border might seem too expected? Just thinking out loud...
I like the mismatched prints, turquoise and red would be nice.
I really like the wiggly lines but I would go for plain binding too - not that there is anything wrong with this one but plain binding might make it 'pop' more.
well i think it looks great but maybe a plain binding in the turquoise might be a good comprimise - still a bright contrasting colour but not so busy as with the two different prints.....guess you should try out a few options and go with your fav!
Print on print looks fantastic. Keep it like that! Jamie V
I like both - like in this photo: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15474454&ref=em
where the binding is solid, but it's backed by a border of the print surrounding the main print.
I just discovered your work on Etsy via the front page black n' white treasury...and I love love love your screenprinted fabrics!
For this project, I love the wavy quilting lines, but I'm not sold on the binding. If it were white printed on turquoise ground it might be a bit nicer for contrast. So, I'd go with a solid or a reverse print if you've got it.
May be I'm out of step but The two prints together really appeal to me-that's not to say that it wouldn't work with a pain contrasting binding too.
BTW I love your fabric prints!
Hi! Just found your blog and Etsy shop via Lupin's blog. Your fabrics are really cute. Btw, I prefer the plain binding. I would try both, and then take a photo of the two coasters together.
I think this is really pretty - perhaps you can do a set of 4, 2 with patterned edges and 2 without?
Also, red and turqoiuse, and red and brown are also great combos...
i just discovered you on etsy today and i love your fabrics! i was looking through your shop trying to think of creative ways to use your fabrics in my house! as far as the coasters go--you've got a lot of advice on here already, so i say, go with your gut. :) you make beautiful stuff!
i like the coasters and i like the mix of both prints. nothing wrong with a coloured border either, for variety. i really like the red weave and the brown print next to each other in the post above. anything with those two colours works for me but that's just me. just saying.:)
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