the lovely alison from eco eco saw an image of my tea caddies i posted on flickr and told me she'd got some more of them, would i like them? god yes, i said, foaming at the mouth...so a few days later these turned up. lightly battered tea caddies, how i love thee. and talking of alison, she and i have got plans afoot! can't say to much right now, but lets just say it involves lots of drooling over a pantone book, (and me changing my mind a hundred times) and that's all you'll get out of me for now. happy weekend, y'all.
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Pair of Writers
21 March 2009 at 22:38
22 March 2009 at 09:21
23 March 2009 at 09:21
24 March 2009 at 22:27
Don't mean to ask a dumb question, but are the tea caddies the ones in the middle or the ones on the ends? I'm not a tea drinker! I'm guessing the ones in the middle and if so - cute!
ooh sounds exciting, i like secret projects. hey mrs, don't forget about choosing a print. i'd love to send you a housewarming gift. x
Oh, love these tea caddies. I'm collection tins for my kitchen shelf - but these really are lovely.
Oh, I love those! I have three of them myself. They're great - wish I could find some more.
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