you know when something really exciting happens, something you're so pleased about and you're all on a high? and it's shared with whoever happens to be hanging around at the time? well, something exciting has happened, it came by citylink 10 minutes ago and i've no bugger here to tell. the boys are at school and sam's doing something farmery and i'm
bursting with well, you know,
excitement. so i'll tell you lot instead. i just got four hugemungus boxes of totem wrapping paper sent to me! all yummy and printed with soy inks on 80% recycled paper - and guess what?
it's only printed in a different colour on the other side! so we have a powdery pink teamed with a lovely strong red and a seafoam turquoise paired up with a chartreuse green...drooooool! it's been a joint project between me and alison of the brilliant
eco eco, and we've been to-ing and fro-ing for weeks trying to sort it all out (her more than me i have to say) and of course it'll be up in the shop later when i've calmed down.
and when i said i had nobody to tell, that's not quite true - cos there's a new kid on the block, one with four legs and a tail - meet ginge (yes really, after 4 weeks of family discussion the bloody thing's ended up being called ginge) and he is SO cute i can't tell you. i will try very hard not to bore you with pics of him, but it'll be hard so indulge me a little ok?

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Fabric Nation
11 June 2009 at 18:56
11 June 2009 at 18:58
11 June 2009 at 19:13
11 June 2009 at 20:08
Bee Designs
11 June 2009 at 20:23
11 June 2009 at 20:29
Karen Lewis Textiles
11 June 2009 at 20:38
11 June 2009 at 20:55
Alison - Eco Eco
12 June 2009 at 10:00
12 June 2009 at 11:17
Michelle Engel Bencsko
12 June 2009 at 11:27
16 June 2009 at 23:03
Me, You and Magoo
18 June 2009 at 13:45
Not sure how you acheived all that with such a cute cat in the house! They look fab.
Gift wrap! How utterly fab is that.
Can't wait!
It's looks great! Love your little kitten.
Oh that is gorgeous, I want one(the paper and the cat)!!!
Ginge is cute! We used to have a ginger tom called Stitch. My mum was sewing when we thought of his name. I can't have cats now as I am very allergic but I do like them! Fab wrapping paper too :)
The wrap (and the kitten) is utterly gorgeous! I had a day a bit like that and a friend got a 'YEEEEHAAAA' email today because there was noone physically around. Good we have all our cyber friends to share things with :-) P.S. Any more thoughts on fabric???!!!
I hoard gorgeous fun wrapping paper! LOVE IT! what a fun day for you!
You know that's the first glimpse I've had of the paper - haven't made it down to the shop to see it in real life yet. And I'm pretty damned happy with your photo of it so I can't wait to get it in my hands.
As for 'hard work', well if you didn't have that superior design brain this project wouldn't have existed. In fact it wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for Flickr cos that's where I found you. I'm happy that you're happy.
Ginge! What a lovely boy. I adore cats so you can't possibly post too many photos of him. And what a character. He reminds me of our boy, Harry. I'm guessing he'll be much more interested in the wrapping paper when you screw a little up into a ball for him.
oooh! looks lovely.
I love it! A natural, for sure. Double sided, too. You're a smart one(s).
love your wrapping paper - I work with wrapping paper quite a bit when I'm making cards, so I think I'll have to buy some for myself when next pay day comes around.
Ginge is too cute.
oh wow! wrapping paper, that looks fab :)
*gets distracted by kitten*
oh cute kitty too :)
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