why does that sound like a euphemism? hmmm, i think i have a dirty mind.
anyway, i know there's a groovy way of generating winners on t'internet for things like this, but i like the lo-tec way - the cute little boy way. so helped by my lovely assistant (complete with plasters {band aids} on his hands) arthur picked out...are you ready...drum roll please...is the suspense killing you...shall i just get on with it...i'm eeking out the excitement...numbers 34 and 47, who are melissa and flora! well done you two! i'll go and leave a comment now for you. your monday morning just got way more thrilling.
and by the way people, comments like - "we're not doing much, really boringly we're just going to a cabin by the lake in michigan for a week"*and "i don't like the beach, but we're going to a place directly on the sand, metres from the sea, in california, i'm dreading it, please don't make me go"* don't make me like you very much ok? ;)
*nobody actually said those actual words, i made them up, but the tone was there, d'you know what i mean?
style='clear: both;'-
Michelle Engel Bencsko
1 June 2009 at 11:36
lu summers
1 June 2009 at 11:40
1 June 2009 at 12:42
1 June 2009 at 14:01
3 June 2009 at 12:00
Luna Levy
5 June 2009 at 09:41
Ha! Guilty as charged. Always has to be one griper in the family! Better me than my kids, because then we REALLY don't hear the end of it! (PS- we'll be on the NJ shore- my home state... If it was CA, I'd be singing a whole different tune)
Congrats to the winner!
Oh, and I saw a quilt in the latest Sew Hip made with this little house fabric. - nice feature!
haha michelle, was it that obvious?! xxx
[Cartwheels across blog] I won something! Wheeeeeeee!
Thank you small cute boy - I'll pop that fiver in the post later....
Oh my! I won something... not just something either! Your really cute fabric which I've loved and long for, for well, a while now. Thank you!
Thank you so much - your lovely fabric arrived this morning - it is even more gorgeous in the flesh!
I have various plans for it, but I'm not sure I could actually bear to cut into it - so I'm thinking of turning it into a canvas so I can see it in it's entirety.
Apologies for my over-exuberance at winning by the way...
Blog post about it at http://through-the-round-window.blogspot.com/2009/06/its-all-about.html
he he - we are low-tech too!
and - I wanted to let you know that I'm having another giveaway too this week, so please drop by :)
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