on saturday we had a lovely lazy day out in ely - it's so close to us, but it's never a place we really think about going to *that* often, which is completely crazy because it's a beautiful little town, especially when the sun shines. as well as the cathedral, (which i learnt on sunday night courtesy of griff rhys jones it was built entirely from stone bought with eels caught in the rivers surrounding ely!) the area near the river is perfect for picnics with a lovely green expanse for the kids to play on. and happily for me, while the kids were at the playground and eating icecreams, i was in the waterfront antiques shop. it's an big concession style set-up, with little 'shops' inside a massive old stone building, complete with 3 floors of wobbly floorboards and tiny windows. and as you can imagine, not everyone sets out their shop terribly tidily, so it's a real rummage fest. i came away with my find of the year, an old stone carved 'mind the gap' sign, for just £4. for some reason i *nearly* didn't buy it. but good grief, i'm very glad i did, i love it just a bit more everytime i look at it.
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Anna Betts
26 August 2009 at 18:46
26 August 2009 at 20:01
6 October 2009 at 20:00
Yay for Waterside Antiques! Did you notice the further up you go in that place the weirder it becomes? Top floor = War Stuff I've noticed. I once opened a wooden box up there and found a pair of dentures inside. What a treat! My favourite stand is the one on the second floor after you pass the book section - 50's and 60s stuff. I still kick myself for not buying a set of Barker Bros Fiesta plates from there. Glad you had fun anyway, I say we go as a tag team next time xx
I love your 'mind the gap' sign! :D
Kate x
Loving your blog and thought seeing as you're also near Ely I'd drop a comment and say Hi! Loving your work and I love the chicken photo I've just been peeking at!
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