well, yesterday i hinted at our new arrivals and here's one of them! we now have 4 hens, woody, buzz, hamm & lightning (i had no hand in the naming of these chickens, can you tell?) i have no idea which one this is a photo of. to be honest i'm rather scared of them. i mean, look at that expression, she looks like she's going to peck out my eyes *shudder*! i have said many times that i'm a rubbish farmer's wife and this is just another damning reason. i'm much happier in the studio...

...which is where i had a slightly frustrating day making this little bag. it has an embellished felt front, with screen printed lining in teal weave, which i must say looks lovely! i made lots of bags a few years ago, you can see them
here, but i couldn't remember how i did them. it led to lots of unpicking and swearing but i got there in the end, and now i keep looking at it and getting a nice warm feeling of accomplishment and happiness!
style='clear: both;'-
8 September 2009 at 19:46
8 September 2009 at 20:34
8 September 2009 at 20:35
Alison - Eco Eco
8 September 2009 at 21:14
Michelle Engel Bencsko
10 September 2009 at 12:17
10 September 2009 at 19:18
11 September 2009 at 08:17
I too am a bit scared of chickens, you are right they have a evil look in their eyes. But I love your bag and it was well worth the frustration, looks fab.
I was a bit wary of our chooks when we first got them but now I feel like I've worked my way to the top of the pecking order - once they work out where the food comes from they're putty in your hands!
PS: the bag is wonderful - well worth all the swearing!
Lovely work, as always.
Looking forward to hearing more about your chickens. Some friends just got four and we spent a happy half hour feeding them with dandelions. It's just a bit alarming when they peck at the leaves - they move those beaks so damned fast. Hope to get some of our own sometime.
Oh, she's lovely! (I cannot help but think of Chicken Run). The bag is lovely too. Keep it away from the girls.
I told my 11-year-old daughter about your evil-looking hen on the way to her school. She told me after school that she kept thinking how a chicken can look evil all day. After she read your blog, she said she likes your blog a lot because you wrote like "a vigorous teenager".
Ah, what a sweet hen! We have four hens too; when we first got them I was a bit scared of them too, especially when one of them jumped on my shoulder (obviously had ambitions to be a parrot). But now I dote on them, and I can assure you that sitting watching hens footle around while you drink a cup of tea is one of the most calming and relaxing experiences you can have. So good luck!
And your bag is lovely too. You are clever.
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