i know this is pathetic, but this is what happened yesterday, dragging the boys around the charity shop:
frank: please just this one though mum ok?
me: yes, yes, ok........oh my god! are they vintage scales? in baby 1930's blue? oh my god, yes they are...how much? £2? oh my god! *snatching the scales up, fumbling with my purse, throwing the money at the startled old dear at the cash desk*
frank: but what are they for mummy?
me: (vaguely) well, you know, weighing stuff.
frank: but we've already got lego weighing scales.
me: yeah, yeah...look, just don't mention these to daddy ok? let's go and buy an icecream.
i think i may have to start a vintage shop, because this is beginning to be a compulsion. but £2! i mean, how could i not? and as a side note, my husband is perfect in many, many ways, but if i could change just one little tiny thing about him, i'd love him to be into old stuff like i am, he just does NOT get it.
style='clear: both;'-
4 September 2009 at 14:11
steven mcvay
4 September 2009 at 14:37
4 September 2009 at 15:11
4 September 2009 at 15:31
4 September 2009 at 15:35
4 September 2009 at 20:30
4 September 2009 at 20:30
Pair of Writers
4 September 2009 at 23:52
5 September 2009 at 04:45
5 September 2009 at 13:32
sarah spooner
6 September 2009 at 12:11
My husband is exactly the same but I dont get why he has to have the newest gadget/technology new fandangled mens thing as soon as it comes on the market....so I guess never the twain shall meet!
i totally get where your coming from.. my fella is exactly the same, he just shakes his head in disgust...and once even said to me "i love your creativity just not your creations".
I'm just the same - but luckily Matt puts up most of the things I buy just like I put up with his gadgets!
ha ha, i've got a rusty old pair of scales on my dresser shelves (1930s too) - the kind that you need to balance with weights on the other side. It never gets used. looks nice though....
Lego weighing scales? Really?
What a find, I'm not surprised you snapped it up! I'm never that lucky, when I go to charity shops they only ever seem to have proper junk. Although I did baffle my husband by buying a Spirograph set (and I played with it for about a week non-stop).
you are an inspiration. In many ways, you are everything i wish i was :) xxx
...oh god, i sound like a stalker.... !
Be careful what you wish for . . . although I love old things my husband LOVES them and he has multiples of everything and still brings home more!!! It does kind of seem like a sickness, but it's not the worst thing a guy could do!
Great scales, fun reading! ! I thought I would take a peek after receiving your gorgeous fabric.
it think it's a case if you can't beat them join them with my husband. He's caught the bug too although he's more into 70's stuff than me. The other day he brought home a lovely glass cake stand for me and a box full of old sewing threads...
Old stuff?? He's put up with you for long enough, you old bird!! XX
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