so, tomorrow i turn 35. it's supposed to be a sunny weekend, so i'm rather excited about my birthday bbq with friends and family, and only a little bit depressed that i'm now classed as being in my mid thirties and i'm too old to be a super model, god dammit.
...yesterday i had a making day, for no other rhyme or reason than to please myself. it went nightmarishly wrong, nothing went very right, including this piece of canvas fabric - too many colours, and too many patterns. nonetheless i felt i had to try and save my making day from being a disaster and used the fabric to make a new handbag. it's actually a bit small, but it holds my purse nicely along with with my sunglasses, but not much else, opps. i even managed to include to inside pockets on the lining...it was only ever meant to be a protoype, so i'm not too upset. i leant a few things, so it's all good. and now i must run as i've had a phonecall to let me know my birthday present from sam is ready for collecting. bless him, it's a good 'un this year, it begins with 'apple' and ends in 'mac'. yay!
style='clear: both;'-
Karen Lewis Textiles
23 April 2010 at 15:00
23 April 2010 at 15:01
23 April 2010 at 15:09
Hazel Terry
30 April 2010 at 13:42
cute bag ;-)
And a very happy birthday for tomorrow...pah to mid-30s...wait until your mid-40s...crap I should know! Hope you have a fab time and can tear yourself away from your birthday pressie xx
Hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow! In fact, take advantage and have a birthday weekend. (I like the shape of the bag, by the way, even if is a bit small.)
Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!! :)
And hurray for macs, best presents ever!
Belated Birthday Wishes, I hope you had a wonderful time.
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