after a very funny conversation with my mum on the phone last night, the quilt she and i are making together will be called 'portholes'. she didn't know what glory hole meant, so i obliged by reading her her some racy stuff from google. she had no idea. haha. dad's useful contribution was "call it arseholes", but no, we decided, that's just plain rude. so, portholes it is, given that there are lots of, well, portholes type shapes in the quilt. and according to google, that's not known for anything other than a window in a sailing vessel, certainly nothing to do with public lavatories and willies, anyway.
above are a few examples of said porthole type shapes (more commonly known as
circles, in certain areas of the world, i believe) it's been given to mum to stitch together then quilt...am seriously looking forward to it being finished.
ps...in case you are confused, i'd better just clear up the fact that the
first quilt mum and i were making just didn't work...so i utilised the
quilt i made for that to be seen through circles in the canvas. recycling. upcycling. whatever.
style='clear: both;'-
29 June 2010 at 12:30
Michelle Engel Bencsko
29 June 2010 at 12:35
29 June 2010 at 15:18
29 June 2010 at 20:43
Kathryn Zbrzezny
30 June 2010 at 12:55
Luna Levy
1 July 2010 at 16:40
4 July 2010 at 16:18
5 July 2010 at 20:46
9 July 2010 at 11:29
liberal sprinkles
29 March 2011 at 10:01
This is such an amazing work ! Would you agree to explain me how you made them ?? or propose a tutorial here on your blog ?! thank you so much ! Smooch from Belgium !
I still like Glory Holes. Would've taken a lot of balls. But I guess that's not what you were aiming for with this lovely piece. ;P
they look fabulous - can't wait to see the finished quilt!
i didn't know what glory hole meant until i was put to right by my work colleagues last year. My mum and dad use the term quite freely for somewhere you'd dump stuff you didn't want. somewhere you could secrete away stuff in a hurry if you had surprise visitors! i'd described my spare room as such and was surprised by the titters it raised. I had to find support in our quality manager (aged in his 50s) to back up my assertion that the phrase was used in another way!
I never knew what any of it meant...nnot sure i do even now! but I like your porthole quilting very much! ~Kathy
hey this is looking incredible, beautiful and unique :)
I just found your blog through Bugs and Fishes. You have some great ideas and gorgeous fabrics!
I love the idea of a your 'porthole' quilt, it looks great!
Oh, this is beautiful! YOu're so talented!
And you write very funny! Makes me smile :)
Can I let you know about my own blog I've just started very recently? I'm quite excited about it and I hope you'll like it enough that you'll visit me once in a while! :)
Nice !
omg the portholes are glorious! I clicked over from Pinterest. Loving your blog!
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