Tuesday, 22 March 2011


it might just be me and my smutty mind, but that blog post title sounds vaguely rude...and about a very non-smutty project - for i have entered a design in the spoonflower/project selvage competition to design a fabric for baby boys. it's a variation of my 'town' design which i've always wanted to expand and this seemed like a good opportunity. hopefully it comes across as being sweet without being too saccharine, but not overly boisterous. i've been really spending time faffing with colour, i'm at last happy with that. i really really wish i had decent photoshop/illustrator skills, but sadly my brain just wants to explode. so i kept it simple, stupid. for that's what i'm all about. lo-tech, me. anyway, it would be really nice to get through to the next round (entries will be chosen by the spoonflower folk at this stage) but after that, it's voting time to whittle it down to the final ten. if i get as far as the last 75, i'll be boring you to death with it because i'd really need your help voting for me...fingers crossed!


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Judith Taylor Inge said... 1 2

Are you the Lucie Summers that designed the quilted vase in Quilting Daily? And are you in Mildenhall?

Judith Inge

lu summers said... 3 4

yes i am! hello judith, how are you?

Judith Taylor Inge said... 5 6

Hi! I'm fine. We are back living in Kentucky and have 2 grandchildren already! I still have the collection of your first fabrics for Makeower and one day I'll make something with them (I just hate to cut fabric I'm sentimental about.) It's exciting to see your stuff in publication and know that "I knew you when..."

Best wishes,

Andrea said... 7 8

hey, I like the fabric design - good luck with the competition!

silverpebble said... 9 10

Oh it's good. So good. Beep beep!

liberal sprinkles said... 11 12

Hi I love this design. good luck!

dandelion dreamer said... 13 14

It is everything that little boys love. Best of luck! Moira