oh so groovy! spotted on the bottom shelf of the charity shop, this ginormous 70's tea tray was originally from st michaels (marks and spencers that was) and i love love love it. and also loved the price: £3. i literally threw myself onto it and hugged it to my chest, scared of it being taken away from me - by whom i do not know, there were no other customers in the shop. so success! the tray is now on my gorgeous new set of custom built kitchen shelves that divide the kitchen from the dining room. i've not shown you those yet, but i will, i promise.
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Col | Hello Olive Designs
16 June 2011 at 19:01
Lesley Edmonds
16 June 2011 at 19:18
17 June 2011 at 00:44
Rhea Butler
17 June 2011 at 01:30
22 June 2011 at 18:45
Wow, great find!
Oh my goodness me, my Mum had one very similar in yellows!!! Wow this has brought back memories of sunday afternoon teas in the 70s when I was in my teens haha!
Lucky you Lu! What a find :)
Hubba, hubba! What a score... congratulations, lady!
Pah, I never find anything good in the local charity shops. I must live in a town of hoarders! Excellent find!
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