so. sunny street, a mug, is a winner, i'm happy to announce. we went away for a week last week but we went to a posh hotel with proper free wi-fi so i could keep an eye on things in a stalkerish manner. and so i found out via twitter that a design i entered into
buttercup china's design competition had won first place! i found this out just as we arrived at our hotel, and then couldn't sleep. so it was a double edged sword, so to speak.
but after a beautiful week in the sunshine while the UK shivered under more snow and minus 16 temperatures, i have come home to more marvellous news.
the second collection i designed for
moda fabrics has been sent to the mill for strike offs. OMG. it's called 'summersville spring' and is loosely based on life around the farm but it's not a tractor-y type of collection, more of a nod to different things i find inspiring - mud on tires, tracks in the land, meadow flowers - it's very 'me' but this time in glorious TECHNICOLOUR. i forgot to take any snaps of the designs before i sent them off (i design directly on to fabric rather than by computer as you may know. one day soon i shall do a process post on this, if anyone would find it interesting!) but i produced lots of 'out takes' and so used them to make up this little experimental block above. so there IS a little sneak into what to expect but it's by no means an exact expectation, if you see what i mean...the 60 days in the title of this post refers to the amount of time before the fabrics are back from the mill in strike off form - which is where the fun starts - choosing the best colourways to create the line. as soon as i know when that happens, you'll know. brownie guide promise.

ohhhh! and before i go, another something lovely - i've got an article on the back page in the spring 2012 issue of
stitch magazine AND on the very back cover page, there's a full page advert for summersville, using my own photo! so odd to think that when i quickly set up that little shoot just to show the samples of summersville to you lot, i didn't think in a million years it would be used as a proper advert! and rather sentimentally, that little white jug in the photo was my nanny shirley's. that makes me happy.
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17 February 2012 at 09:26
17 February 2012 at 09:26
17 February 2012 at 09:30
17 February 2012 at 10:34
17 February 2012 at 10:52
17 February 2012 at 10:58
17 February 2012 at 11:26
17 February 2012 at 11:28
17 February 2012 at 11:40
17 February 2012 at 11:45
17 February 2012 at 12:11
17 February 2012 at 12:22
17 February 2012 at 14:56
Archie The Wonder Dog
17 February 2012 at 19:58
Mrs Flying Blind...
17 February 2012 at 20:19
18 February 2012 at 21:12
19 February 2012 at 08:13
20 February 2012 at 16:36
31 March 2012 at 14:10
Well done lou looks like you are on a roll !
wow! what an exciting week! Well done on all the fabulousness. I look forward to seeing the new fabric line :-D
So much gorgeousness in one post. I might die.
Well done you clever clogs, love the mug design espesh xx
Congrats on winning the comp. Love the design :-)
Sounds like a busy and exciting time for you, can't wait for sneak peeks.
Yay you!! What a lovely bunch of fabness to come home to ... can't wait to see the new line ...
Oh wow it's so great. Waiting is going to be tough!
Congratulations! Lots of exciting news :D
Who's a clever girl then - congratulations on all counts and this new fabric range looks fab - oh how I'd love to do a quilt using Jenny's curved ruler and these yummy fabrics
Lu this is all very exciting. Good on ya! I love the mug design. x
So many good news ! Good news for you and good news for us. You knew line will be great.... I just wished the current line would already be available....I don't like waiting so long for something I long for so badly.
Wowwww congrats, so exciting to see your own fabrics on stitch magazine. Really beautiful fabrics :)
Oh i love you and stoopidly proud of you xxx
How exciting! I can't wait to see the fabric and the cup and Stitch magazine (which I'm going to go look for right now, I've got the the issue. Wow! Congratulations on such good news!
What a great week! I can't wait to see the new line and I'd be really interested to learn more about how you design your fabric.
Congratulations all over the place!
How wonderful for you, you must be so excited!
Congrats, this is all wonderful news!
Great stuff!! Already said my bit about the fabric, but really love the sun on the the mug. Well done my lovely! xx
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