my husband announced he wanted to clear our garage out today - it's not a car garage, just storage space for bikes and lawnmowers...but when you get past the stuff that's used often, there's massive space full of junk, and i mean full. we live on a farm and my husband's father does not like to throw things away...so you can imagine what it's like. it's not helped by the fact i've had boxes of stuff in there for the last 10 years full of, well, to be honest, i'd forgotten what. so when he made his announcement, i thought i'd better hang around Just In Case. and i'm so glad i did! as well as finding my raybans i thought i'd lost, which are almost retro, or at the very least, very 1990's, i came across a box of my old college work. a lot of it was fairly damaged (the mice had a made a lovely nest in a box of hats i made when i was 17) but some of it was quite interesting. i won't bore you with loads if it, but i thought i'd take some snaps of the bits i liked best. one shows i've always loved colour & pattern, (the sliver of paper you see in the top image full of bright colours is my youngest's interpretation of my improv quilt) the other shows i've always held a torch for improv. funny that, huh?
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Mrs Flying Blind...
5 April 2012 at 18:14
5 April 2012 at 18:33
5 April 2012 at 19:58
5 April 2012 at 22:21
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14 April 2012 at 06:00
Jakarta Hotel
28 June 2012 at 07:42
Mesin Fotocopy
6 July 2012 at 08:03
Rings Jewelry
25 July 2012 at 10:12
Download 2018
1 September 2015 at 20:46
14 August 2016 at 14:25
I know I would find nothing that exciting in our loft or garage, just maths books and dissertations on children and TV!
Oh I love a good clear out but spend most of the time thumbing through the old photos, reports, school projects! Interesting to see the before after the after!
Hmmm joint clearouts are trouble in our house - I'm a hoarder and he's a "chuck everything"....
It's crazy the things you find when clearing out! =D
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
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