Thursday, 31 January 2013

introducing in a bit more detail...

summersville spring, YAY!

i have to say i'm really pleased with how this collection turned out, i don't mind admitting to a few wobbles and is SO different seeing proper printed yardage crisply printed compared to maybe a 6 inch scrap of quickly printed strike off, which is how i had to chose the colours!
And it's interesting timescale wise too - it's almost a year to the week that i sent my designs to moda for approval and the yardage was sent to me at the end of last week. a whole year! so, anyway, withou further ado, here are the designs with their official names...(it's worth scrolling down, there's a giveaway, but please remember to read the instructions in full!...)








As you can see the name fits rather well, bright happy spring colours and the designs themselves are inspired by living in the countryside on a farm. can you get your hands on some? well, they are due out in february in the states and the rest of the world around march time, but of course, i've got 1 charm pack and 1 layer cake to giveaway to 2 lucky readers anywhere in the world...

there are 4 ways to win:

1. just leave a comment in the box telling me: what's your favourite season?

2. follow this blog then leave another comment telling me you have done so (or already follow)

3. follow me on twitter (@lusummers) then leave another comment telling me you have done so (or already follow)

4. tweet about the giveaway then leave another comment telling me you have done so with a link to the tweet

REMEMBER TO LEAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS...if mr random number generator picks someone without an email, i will pick another winner, so please don't miss out!

2 winners will be picked on monday, february 4th (at around lunchtime GMT, or whenever i remember!) so you have a long weekend to enter.



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arajane said... 1 2

winter is by far my favorite season! i love the cold and the crispness and all the holidays. i only wish we got more snow in seattle.

arajane said... 3 4

i'm a follower of your blog!

arajane said... 5 6

i also follow you on twitter!

Reader Owl said... 7 8

I love Spring!

Reader Owl said... 9 10

I foller your blog

Annabella said... 11 12

Congratulations on your new collection - it's stunning! I love twig especially. My favourite season is autumn. I love the cooler months, layering with clothes, snuggling, the smell of fires and the warming foods. Perfect.

liberal sprinkles said... 13 14

congratulations on yet another gorgeous collection! I especially love the fences and the colors are wonderful too!
liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com

Annabella said... 15 16

I'm a very happy follower!

liberal sprinkles said... 17 18

I am a blog follower

DJCoolbear said... 19 20

Spring - especially this year as it's when I get to meet my baby girl.

liberal sprinkles said... 21 22

my favorite season is spring - for all the new beginnings and possibilities!

DJCoolbear said... 23 24
This comment has been removed by the author.
liberal sprinkles said... 25 26

I follow you on twitter too
liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com

Tumus said... 27 28

My favorite season is Fall because I'm a sucker for bonfires, Halloween, and autumn leaves :) Contact me at:

I'd always heard that fabric designing takes a really long time but I really love the Bloomsbury collection. Very excited to use this in a project once it comes out of the mills :)

Rainbow Vintage Home said... 29 30

What a great collection - it was worth scrolling down just to see the designs - even if you weren't doing a giveaway! My favourite season is Spring - I love seeing green shoots appear in the ground and on the trees, and I have a thing for blossom. my email is fingers crossed! Rachel x

DJCoolbear said... 31 32

Bloody phone double posted - am also a Twitter follower. danielle_coolbear at hotmail dot com

Canadian Abroad said... 33 34

Loving all that colour in the new line!

My favourite season in the UK is spring, but if I was back in Canada I would say autumn.

Canadian Abroad said... 35 36

I follow you.

mjb said... 37 38

I love spring - it starts in March where I am with the forsythia and daffodils, and then endless flowering trees and perfect temperatures. (I love the geometrics in this line so so much).

mjb said... 39 40

I follow in google reader.

mjb said... 41 42

I follow on twitter - meagangracie

mjb said... 43 44

I retweeted your giveaway tweet, but I'm not sure how to link to that!

Lisa said... 45 46

I adore fall as it's time to enjoy the perfect temps before the artic cold blasts us in the winters!

liberal sprinkles said... 47 48

liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com

Lisa said... 49 50

I follow you on Twitter!

leftcoaster at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 51 52

I love winter, especially if we get snow - perfect! Sue x

Unknown said... 53 54

I am already a follower of your blog. Sue x

Mishka said... 55 56

Summer absolutely ... I'm so sick of the cold, overcast and gloom of Winter. Bring on Spring.
Ottawa, Canada

Unknown said... 57 58

I also follow you on twitter. Sue x

Elisabeth said... 59 60

My favourite season is autumn. Maybe because my birthday is in October?
I love your new collection, especially the greens!
THank you for a lovely giveaway!

Elisabeth said... 61 62

I'm a follower of your blog :-)

Elisabeth said... 63 64

I follow you on Twitter.

kbzelazny said... 65 66

Summer,summer,summer-I love to be outside!! Thanks and love the new line!

Unknown said... 67 68

I also tweeted about your lovely giveaway. @Krafty_Cupcake Sue x

Sally said... 69 70

I love the new prints - scale and colors. Thanks!

heart of charnwood said... 71 72

My favourite season is spring, I like the clear blue sky, and the sun on a cool crisp day as it's just beginning to warm up, and being out in the garden plotting for the new growing year, perfect!
My contact details are on my blog : )

Sally said... 73 74

I'm already a follower of the blog.

heart of charnwood said... 75 76

I follow you via email subscription now, but I have you linked up to my blog so i know when you've updated, i'm too impatient to wait for an email! : ) Good Luck with the new line, the colours are fabulous.

Elisabeth said... 77 78

I've tweeted about your giveaway too :-)

Allison C said... 79 80

I love Fall. I am not a warm weather person so when it starts getting cooler I'm a much happier person. Plus the changing foliage is nice eye candy.

Allison C said... 81 82

I follow this blog!

Rachel said... 83 84

The new collection looks fabulous! I do love spring, all those fresh colours and the pretty flowers are so needed after the gloom of winter.

trash said... 85 86

Hello gorgeous, those are some very zingy colours you have going on up there. Looking forward to seeing what the clever sewists make with those.

trash said... 87 88

I follow you on Twitter.

Michele T said... 89 90

Summer is by far my most favorite season... although I sincerely enjoy them all for different reasons!! Thanks for the chance... this is the first time that I am seeing Summerville Spring - beautiful!!

Michele T said... 91 92

I follow via GFC - thanks!!

trash said... 93 94

I'm off to tweet all about this ace giveaway but only quietly bc then there will be a greater chance of me winning!

trash said... 95 96

Also, today is my birthday. You should factor that in to the random generator ;-)

Michele T said... 97 98

I am now following you on twitter!! (@mimistarquilter)

Keri said... 99 100

Congrats. I think that your spring collection is just gorgeous - especially the multi-coloured colourways!

I have 2 favourite seasons - spring for the new buds and blooms and promise that hangs in the air....and summer, for the lovely warmth, high blue skys and sunshine.

Keri said... 101 102
This comment has been removed by the author.
Keri said... 103 104

oh....i am also a follower. email address on my blog, but just in case : keri {at} twolittleflowers {dot} com

Anita said... 105 106

Fall is my favorite season. The colours are beautiful, there isn't as much work as the spring and it's not sweltering hot. Right now I'd be happy with anything but winter though.

Anita said... 107 108

Second entry for me because I already follow your blog. Thank you for the chance to win! :)

Unknown said... 109 110

Ooh... Lovely fabric *tries to stroke it through screen*.
I love spring, throwing off the big heavy coats and jumpers and getting a lungful of fresh spring air! Email is louise(at)orths(dot)co(dot)uk

Unknown said... 111 112

And I follow you on twitter. I am @sewmamasew_
Email same as above! x

Unknown said... 113 114

I'm following your blog via email (still same as above!) x

Unknown said... 115 116

And I'm tweeting about you now! @sewmamasew_ (dare I say it again? *fears potential fabric loss* my email is the same as the one above. xx

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said... 117 118

Spring is my favourite season for sure! Great looking NEW LINE Lu - well done! amycav at hotmail dot com

Dan R said... 119 120

M favorite season is Autumn. It's the best weather around here.

Dan R said... 121 122

I follow the blog!

Dan R said... 123 124

And twitter too

lamina@do a bit said... 125 126

Wow a whole year!!! I was well worth it though! Love all the designs :)

My favourite season is spring! I love the way nature wake up from winter with beautiful bright young colours! And I love the smell of spring :)

Gretchen said... 127 128

My favorite season is Autumn.

Gretchen said... 129 130

I follow your blog :)

lamina@do a bit said... 131 132

I and following you on Twitter too! laminag(at)hotmail(dot)com

Jennyroo said... 133 134

Today: anything but winter (it is minus 50 degrees celsius with the wind chill in central Canada today. Yowch!). Fall has always been my absolute favourite, back to school, new beginnings, changing leaves. Sigh, perfection!

Jennyroo said... 135 136

And I follow the blog, for sure!

Jennyroo said... 137 138

And I follow you on twitter! @Jennyroo1

memmens said... 139 140

Wow that looks fantastic - not that I was expecting anything less! My favourite season is spring because there is always the possibility it will be followed by a sunny summer! thanks for sharing your gorgeous fabric!

Sadie said... 141 142

Love the colours! Tracks with the yellow background is my favourite!
I find autumn is my favourite season, I like the crisper weather :-)

memmens said... 143 144

I'm already following you...

Sadie said... 145 146

I follow your blog in my blog sidebar :-)

memmens said... 147 148

Yep I follow you on twitter too

Sadie said... 149 150

I follow you on twitter too

memmens said... 151 152

And I tweeted:

Sadie said... 153 154

I tweeted too

Sewing Directory said... 155 156

My favourite season is Autumn as I love it when the leaves turn red/yellow/orange, they look so beautiful.

Congratulations on the new collection it looks great, I love the turquoise Ginger & Max fabric

Sewing Directory said... 157 158

I am following you on Twitter

Jeannine said... 159 160

My favorite season is fall - I love the cool air and the beautiful colors.

Congrats on the new line!

I already follow your blog and my email address is: boodzoo at gmail dot com

Steph said... 161 162

SUMMER is my favorite season handsdown. Congratulations on your new line - love the patterns, line drawings and names.

uschifrischie at yahoo dot com

Sarah said... 163 164

Spring is my favourite season, March is my favourite month :-) Dunno why, it just is! Start of nice weather maybe? Loving the look of Summersville Spring!

Curly boy said... 165 166

I love summer best!

Curly boy said... 167 168

I follow your blog!

Curly boy said... 169 170

I follow you on Twitter!

Sarah said... 171 172

I follow your blog :-)

Sarah said... 173 174

I follow you on twitter now too

Sarah said... 175 176

I tweeted your giveaway @

Curly boy said... 177 178

Here is my tweet!

Jen said... 179 180

I already follow your blog!

Jen said... 181 182

My favorite season is fall. Your fabric is lovely!

Unknown said... 183 184

I love the fall. But spring is my second favorite!

dora at untrendy life dot com

Unknown said... 185 186

I already follow your blog!

dora at untrendy life dot com

Bron @ Stop That Owl said... 187 188

I love the very start of spring, when you can sense the shift on the seasons between winter and spring.

Bron @ Stop That Owl said... 189 190

I follow you on Twitter. BTW I think the fences print is my fave, just gorgeous!

Anna said... 191 192

my favourite season is autumn, but only if we've actually had a summer to cool off from otherwise it's just bloody irritating! Lovely fabric!

Anna said... 193 194

I follow your blog.

Jen Walshaw said... 195 196

I love spring, the potential of all that new life

Anna said... 197 198

I also follow you on Twitter, I'm @finallywakingup

Jen Walshaw said... 199 200

I also follow your flow

Jen Walshaw said... 201 202

I follow you on twitter too Mum_themadhouse

Unknown said... 203 204

Spring! I follow you on twitter (blotchandthrum) and I'm super excited for those pinks and purples! My email is blotchandthrum (at) gmail (dot) com

Pippa Parsons said... 205 206

I love spring, think that's cos I'm a spring baby though :)

Pippa Parsons said... 207 208

Follow you on twitter

Unknown said... 209 210
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pippa Parsons said... 211 212

I tweeted the giveaway

Guerilla Embroidery said... 213 214

My favourite season would have to be summer because that's when my birthday is!

Unknown said... 215 216

Looks fab! I think your screen prints will always be my first love, but yardage would be a great way to make myself a genuine Lucie dress!

Oh, and my fav season is Autumn.

Yorkshire Quilter said... 217 218

I love summer - mainly because i don't have to work half of it!
I love the new range - some lovely colours and your familiar style still there!

Yorkshire Quilter said... 219 220

I follow your blog on Google Reader!

Susy said... 221 222

I think I love Summersville Spring more than the original. FAvourite season is Autumn, although also partial to the odd spring daffodil!
susydunne at gmail dot com

Yorkshire Quilter said... 223 224

I followed you on Twitter!

Susy said... 225 226

I follow you on twitter.

Yorkshire Quilter said... 227 228

I tweeted about the giveaway too

Tennjenny said... 229 230

No question: My favorite season is fall. Love this collection and I'd be so excited to win!

Tennjenny said... 231 232

I follow you in my reader -- thanks!!

craftykaren said... 233 234

I am a follower!

Susy said... 235 236

I've tweeted a link to your giveaway too!
How the hell do I paste a link to a tweet?? - have a look, it's there!
susydunne at gmail dot com

craftykaren said... 237 238

Despite the name of the collection, summer is by far my favorite season. I love being warm all day and night.

snophiejo said... 239 240

Spring is my favourite season. When life springs onto action. Lovely fabrics.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said... 241 242

My favourite season is autumn - I love the glorious colour!

snophiejo said... 243 244

I follow your blog.

Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said... 245 246

I follow you on twitter!

snophiejo said... 247 248

I follow you on Twitter and am heading there now......

Cheryl said... 249 250

My favorite season is summer.

Cheryl said... 251 252

I now follow you on twitter

Cheryl said... 253 254

I twitted

Joanne said... 255 256

Spring is my favourite season, I am desperate for some brighter days and afternoons after a dreary winter!!
Thanks for the chance of winning

Joanne said... 257 258

I am a follower of your blog!

Joanne said... 259 260

And I follow you on Twitter!

snophiejo said... 261 262

I have tweeted!

Francis Paul said... 263 264

My favorite season is fall with windy storms and havy rain while I'm in the house, quilting through the day :-)

Francis Paul said... 265 266

I follow your blog :-)

Oso said... 267 268

My favourite season is SPRING, of course. And summer. And fall. Ok, and winter too. No, wait, Spring.


Oso said... 269 270

And I already follow you!


Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said... 271 272

I follow your blog

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said... 273 274

Summer and winter :o)

KarenT said... 275 276

I love the colours of autumn and the hope of spring :-)

dmasse said... 277 278

southern california spring- it lasts half the year:)

robin said... 279 280

I am a follower!

robin said... 281 282

I like fall but am drawn to the happy colors of summer!erstJan 3819

robin said... 283 284

I am a follower of your blog. Looove the new line!

Mary said... 285 286

Love your new line! My favourite season is autumn - turning leaves, late sunshine and crisp days.

Mary said... 287 288

I already follow your blog.

Mary said... 289 290

And I follow you on Twitter :)

Donna~~ said... 291 292

I'm a happy follower of your blog!

Donna~~ said... 293 294

My favorite season is Fall--especially love the colors of fall outside. But love the colors of Spring--and your new fabrics--in my fabric! So pretty!

Jo Jo said... 295 296

My favourite season is summer, of course :)

Jo Jo said... 297 298

I already follow you on Twitteroo

Jo Jo said... 299 300

I follow your blog too :)

Jennifer said... 301 302

Autumn. Your collection is wonderful! Thanks for the chance.

Jennifer said... 303 304

I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance!

Perry said... 305 306
This comment has been removed by the author.
Perry said... 307 308

My favorite season is spring. I love the bulbs that flower in the beginning ....they are a promise of much beauty. I follow your blog and I love this new line you have come up with. Thanks for the chance to win some of it.

Perry said... 309 310

I follow your blog and really enjoy it. Would love to win.

Fran said... 311 312

My favourite season is spring, closely followed by autumn - I'm not a fan of extreme weather so the 'in-between seasons' are more my thing. Love your new fabric line, so incredibly beautiful!

Fran said... 313 314

I'm a follower of your blog, thanks for the lovely giveaway!

Fran said... 315 316

And I'm a new foolower of your Twitter account, thanks again!

Ella said... 317 318

I follow you!

Ella said... 319 320

summer is my favorite!

hectorcat said... 321 322

I love autumn and I follow you on twitter too!

Nolita said... 323 324

Summer is my favorite season 'cause my birthday is right in the middle!

Nolita said... 325 326

I follow your blog:)

Heather A said... 327 328

Autumn is my favourite. Too bad it's so short!

Heather A said... 329 330

I follow your blog.

Cecilia said... 331 332

My favorite season is Fall. I love your fabric. Congratulations.

Cecilia said... 333 334

I already follow your blog. :-)

Leanne said... 335 336

My favourite season is fall and I am loving your new fabrics, thank you for the chance to win.

Leanne said... 337 338

I do follow your lovely blog.

Unknown said... 339 340

I love your fabric!! In Arizona the best season is spring..but we celebrate spring in Feb and March!!

Unknown said... 341 342

I already follow your blog!! Love your pics on your blog!!

Unknown said... 343 344

I follow you on Twitter. And I sent out a tweet..not sure how to show link. I've probably tweeted twice in my life!! ;) my Twitter name is @read_books. Which is my other favorite thing to do besides sewing and looking at sewing blogs and reading author joanne favorite author!!

melanie said... 345 346

My favorite season is autumn!!
schultzster @ gmail

melanie said... 347 348

I follow on google reader :)

schultzster @ gmail whoo!!

Gunilla said... 349 350

My fav season is summer! Unfortunately tha last summers have been rainy and a bit cold! So... Greece- thanks for defrosting a swedish girl! :)

Gunilla said... 351 352

I am a new follower!

Ali said... 353 354

My favorite season is fall for the energy, but saying I like a rainy seasons when I live outside of Seattle sounds crazy, so I think I'm going to say summer from now on ;)

Ali said... 355 356

I follow your blog, thank you for the giveaway and I love the new fabrics!

SewGoodPals said... 357 358

Got to be autumn for the colours

SewGoodPals said... 359 360

I follow on twitter

Sarah said... 361 362

My favourite season is autumn and I am hanging out for it after this long hot dry summer we've had in Australia. It can't come soon enough for me!

Sarah said... 363 364

I follow your blog. thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said... 365 366

My favourite season is autumn - beautiful colours, crunchy leaves and conkers!!!

Unknown said... 367 368

I follow you on twitter!

angie said... 369 370

Oh my I do love that Bloomsbury! My favorite season is Autumn hands down...though here in the North East I'm already too ready for spring. email

angie said... 371 372

I'm following your blog now, yay!

Strawberry Patch said... 373 374

It has to be spring, I love the bulbs pushing through and the chickens start laying and I can usually walk the dog in some comfort instead of freezing my hands off!

Strawberry Patch said... 375 376

I follow you via email

Anonymous said... 377 378


I love spring, winter makes me feel a bit cold and miserable and spring is so hopeful :)


Anonymous said... 379 380

I follow you on Google Reader!


Helen Lay said... 381 382
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said... 383 384

I love summer, that 2 weeks in England when we get enough sunshine to Put on our shorts & tees & sandals and can bake in the sun. Plus it's the time of year we get to visit Glastonbury for 6 days away from the real world (come rain or shine).

Helen Lay said... 385 386

I already follow your blog helenlay82 @ gmail . com

Anonymous said... 387 388

I already follow you on Twitter- I'm @pennydog


Helen Lay said... 389 390

I follow you on twitter helenlay82 @ gmail . com

Lisa said... 391 392

I'm a follower of your blog on my reader :)

Lisa said... 393 394

I follow you I. Twitter too

Anonymous said... 395 396

Hi there,
Love the new collections, can't wait to get my hands on some! My favourite season is autumn, love all the colours of the trees and snuggling up into warmer clothes!
Lisa (

Anonymous said... 397 398

I follow this blog already!

Anonymous said... 399 400

I already follow you on Twitter (

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