no, not *that* kind of tripping...
i very very occasionally do talks for groups & even more occasionally i'll travel to teach, but i won't lie, i like both the talks & the teaching to be super i was happy last wednesday to take a trip over the border of suffolk into deepest darkest norfolk (i'm kidding, i drove for 20 minutes) to see the alveva quilters gang, many of whom were customers of mine when mum and i had 'the colour room', a patchwork shop in the late 90's. it was lovely to see lots of familiar faces and i had one disgruntled old friend, barbara, who complained i don't update my blog often enough. so here you go barbara, this is for you. i had a fantastic evening and had lots of fun showing lots of quilts and demo-ing my screen printing.
then two days later, much to my trepidation, i caught a rather small plane bound for jersey for a 2 day workshop at caesarea quilters. i'd met
sue last year at
the fat quarterly retreat and she put me in contact with sarah to organise the trip. i had SO MUCH FUN i can't tell you, what a brilliant, brilliant group of ladies. they threw themselves into the screen print workshop last saturday and produced some gorgeous pieces, then many of them returned for the portholes workshop the following day. i was made so welcome and although the weather wasn't exactly spring like, the scenery was magnificent and more than made up for it (the community centre was opposite the beach for goodness sake!) it was also lovely to meet
young sarah,
we spent far too much time gossiping about quilty stuff...
mixing ink |
double heart |
forest |
wonderful composition by mary |
sarah & mary in the queue to wash screens |
young sarah & heather ironing |
i *think* these were jackie's |
mary's cheeky elephant |
style='clear: both;'-
Mrs Flying Blind...
30 March 2013 at 22:15
31 March 2013 at 11:11
Ooh the international lecture tour beckons!
How exciting to be in demand :-) Those little planes give me the heebie jeebies so I think you are very brave!
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