Monday 16 December 2013

a big ol' book blog hop!

i'm so thrilled and excited to announce my book blog hop, i really hope you join me on a skip and a jump around t'internet for the next few weeks (with a break for christmas!) where bloggers will be sharing sew alongs, interviews and giveaways, all based on my book, quilt improv.

to kick off the blog tour, i've got two prizes to give away - the first person to drawn out of the hat will win a signed copy of the book, along with an extra special prize - a mini quilt made by me! the second prize is anther mini quilt. these are completely unique - i made them for the book but misplaced them, then unearthed them during a recent major studio clean-up.
chevron variation mini quilt
crazy triangles mini quilt
quilt improv!
i'd love them to go to new homes, so be in with a chance of winning, tell me - what's your favourite holiday tradition in your part of the world? it could be something that's unique to your household, or to your town or country. mine is listening to cheesy christmas music while decorating the tree & making paper snowflakes with my boys - probably a fairly worldwide universal tradition - so tell me the some unusual stuff! does your town put on a holiday carnival or fete? do you spend the entire month of december in a reindeer sweater & elf shoes? do you only exclusively eat candy canes & christmas tree branches during the holidays? ;)

so, to recap:

*to have a chance at winning, leave a message in the comments section telling me your favourite holiday tradition where you live. this is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. 

*remember to LEAVE YOUR NAME & AN EMAIL ADDRESS - no address, no win - don't be disappointed!

*i will pick a mini quilt to send at random, i'm afraid you won't be able to choose, but don't worry, they're both lovely! 

*closing date for comments is the end of the blog hop (29th january) so you've got plenty of time to enter.

the line up for the blog hop is amazing, as promised...feast your're welcome! and remember to visit the stitch craft create blog here ( {sorry about the messy link, blogger is not playing ball today!} for lots of sewing and quilty news!


Mon 16th – Me!
Wed 18th – The Long Thread
Thur 19th – A Stitch In Dye
Fri 20th – Fresh Modern Quilts
Sun 29th – Quiltville’s Quips & Snips
Mon 6th – Diary of a Quilter
Wed 8th – Blueberry Park

Thur 9th –  Sew Take a Hike
Fri 10th – Very Kerry Berry
Mon 13th – Sew Justine Sew
Wed 15th – Lily’s Quilts
Thur 16th – Cut To Pieces 
Fri 17th – Happy Zombie
Mon 20th – Freshly Pieced
Wed 22nd – Crazy Mom Quilts
Tue 21st – Fresh Lemons Quilts
Thur 23rd – Gen X Quilters
Fri 24th – Handmade by Alissa
Mon 27th – Don’t Call Me Betsy
Tue 28th – I’m a Ginger Monkey
Wed 29th – Sew Mama Sew
TBC – Ryan Walsh Quilts 
have fun and good luck!


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Unknown said...

Merry Christmas to you Lu and your family
Thanks for sharing your new book with us all - can't wait to see what's in it and what inspires all these esteemed creative quilters during the blog hop.
Our Christmas tradition - a glass of Bailey's for breakfast and a loose relaxing day thereafter .......
Ethne -

Pippa Parsons said...

ohhh Merry Christmas Lu
Our xmas tradition not really that exciting, out for walk xmas eve afternoon, tree fairy arrives, tree presents, pjs, carols and mince pies with hot chocolate for kids and a tipple for grown ups and then we phone norad and find out where he is and when santa will be arriving

pennydog said...

Don't let me win first prize, I have your signed book already and it's great :D

I wear my cracker hat upside down at Christmas dinner, that's what my dad used to do to wind us kids up so I'm carrying the torch...

Have a good Christmas :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh I'd love to enter please :)

I'm sure this isn't unique to me, but when I was a child I always insisted on leaving a carrot, mince pie and drink out for Santa, Mum or Dad had to get up in the night and make it look like he'd visited and eaten some of the pie and that a reindeer had taken a bite out of the carrot >.< I think they were both glad when I outgrew that!

Charlotte said...

my favourite Xmas tradition is eating too many peanut butter cookies (you know the ones!). Mmmmmm!

Marty Mason said...

The Papa Santa and I have a relaxing Christmas morning together.....sharing a Mimosa and opening our gifts to each other. Then, we enjoy a home-style Christmas morning brunch.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

One of our traditions is to make 'fruit cocktail'. Take a Del Monte tin of fruit cocktail and drain it then add it to a bowl of whipped cream. Serve WITH the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, etc! Yes we Canadians ARE crazy!! That's why they call us Crazy Canucks ;)

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

opps - amycav at hotmail dot com

Quiltdivajulie said...

Your book is already on my holiday wish list . . . hope Santa is paying attention!

Our favorite tradition is sitting quietly during the late evening with the glow of our white-lighted Christmas tree while being grateful for our blessings. (special moments of peace during what can be a very noisy season).

Unknown said...

My favorite is staying up late Christmas eve, wrapping presents by the fire and watching Love Actually and having egg nog, my husband hates this and goes to bed.

Caitlin at Salty Oat said...

Congrats on the book! All of my favorite Christmas traditions are food related, mainly, Italian on Christmas Eve and Chinese take-out on Christmas Day!

Penny said...

How exciting! I'd love a Lu Summers original.

Our tradition is putting up the tree to an 2010 CassetteBoy Christmas Mix, it has all the Christmas songs you could want jam packed into 20 mins.

Leanne said...

I love your book, a blog hop will be great fun. We make special cookies, loads of them and eat them for days. Although it is a small thing, it is my very favourite Christmas tradition. I need to get baking. My email is in my profile but it is here too shecanquilt at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

We love getting the kids into pajamas in the minivan and then driving through Wendy's for Frostys (chocolate milk shakes) and driving around looking at all the lights. Merry Christmas!

Pam said...

we started a white elephant gift exchange a few years ago....i love it cuz the gifts are always fun and we f more time to visit with family xo so happy about your new book....impov is my absolute favorite these days! and to win a lu original would make me a happy girl xo fingers crossed and merry christmas to you and your family

sierralima said...

My favourite tradition is wrapping up presents and thinking of clues for each one!

Katy Cameron said...

Happy new hop!

I overindulge in the tackiest, cheesiest christmas films, while making my bodyweight in sweet crap (which I then eat for the next year *ahem*)

Thanks for the chance to win :o)

sierralima said...

My favourite tradition is wrapping up presents and thinking of clues for each one!

Unknown said...

family, that's what it's all about for me. Now the Grands wake up, open stockings, have breakfast ... yes breakfast before opening gifts. The Seattle area has lighted Christmas Ships w/ carolers, and Bellevue's Garden d'Lights for pre Christmas spirit.

Unknown said...

It's a thing in south Texas to have tamales on Christmas Eve, which is delicious. My favorite thing is selecting which present to open on Christmas Eve.

Caroline said...

our littles are still little (1 and 3)! so we are enjoying starting new traditions. our 3 year old has caught onto this man called Santa, and we're getting prepared for him to visit through making new decorations, planning which cookies to leave out for him and researching what reindeer's might enjoy eating - from our family to yours - have a very merry!

Tennjenny said...

I'd love to win, thank you! My family lives close, so my favorite holiday tradition would be spending Christmas Eve at my parents' house for dinner, and them coming to my house on Christmas morning for breakfast. But you wanted something unusual, so I'll say that my very quaint town puts on A Dickens of a Christmas, where they have strolling characters and Victorian style activities, food, and decorations (plus the usual craft fair). I don't go often, but it's nice. Also my children love to go see the lights and decorations at the Opryland Hotel here in Nashville. Thanks!

craftykaren said...

My favorite holiday tradition is a new signature cocktail for the staff holiday party. This year, white wine, orange juice and Campari. A big hit and not too strong alcohol wise - good for a party of business colleagues!

Katherine McNeese said...

Watching our favorite Christmas movies!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

For the second year running I have had the Christmas joy of shouting at some twerp at Tesco online about missing stuff - last year 3DS games and this year the sodding turkey!

I would prefer a tradition of swanning through the whole season like a 1030s film star, immaculately dressed and going no-where near the kitchen.

Merry Christmas bird xxx

maggieinthemountains said...

Making cookies while blaring Christmas carols is a big tradition. Big fat sugar cookies with lots of frosting!

Michele T said...

We love to drive around at night to see the Christmas lights and decorations!!

Annah said...

I started the 'tradition' a few couple of years ago of baking spiced pumpkin muffins first thing on Christmas morning. The smell is amazing and permeates throughout the whole house and adds that extra christmassy touch without being too much effort on such a mad morning. Everyone says it's one tradition that's here to stay and I'm not going to argue with that :)

Jusmom1 said...

On Christmas Eve we light bayberry candles for luck and then open tiny gifts under the advent tree. Thanks for the chance to win.

Vicki H said...

Our Botanical Garden has 'Illuminations', a fantastic holiday light display with hundreds of thousands lights throughout the gardens.

Tamie said...

My husband's family (and now mine) have Stickies and fresh citrus fruit and bacon for Christmas breakfast every, single year. Stickes are cinnamon, pecan rolls. This tradition is so important to my husband that he is trying to learn how to make stickies- and he doesn't even cook, much less bake!

Anonymous said...

Our island has a big bonfire with cookies and carols.

Unknown said...

My daughter (now grown & mother to 2) and I have always gone out on Christmas Eve in our neighborhood to view the Christmas lights and we bundle up, laugh and talk and giggle and share. Started when she was a teenager and have continued the tradition. Someday maybe her two little bitty daughters will join us. The men stay at home and think we are crazy :) :)

craftyccain said...

Trimming the tree while listening to Christmas music. Merry Christmas!


Arlington, TX Cookie party with the grandbabies, No sprinkle rules.. funny me sjc at gmail dot com

Pip said...

Our family Christmas tradition involves our Christmas stockings which are stuffed with an orange, a toothbrush, a comic book,(bit hard to find nowadays) a tiny gift, and lots of lollies, it started as a way to keep the children occupied when they would wake too early on Christmas morning, it has continued on now that we are adults :)


DeborahGun said...

our favourite tradition is decorating the Christmas tree with ornaments that remind us of places we have lived or different people who are special to us :-)

Michelle said...

In sunny Sydney, our favourite Christmas tradition is to eat our way through boxes of cherries and mangoes - both say Christmas to me more than anything else!

Michelle - email is michellearrow72 (at) gmail dot com - and btw, love your fabric and I'm using your masking tape to wrap all my Xmas pressies this year!

Michelle said...

In sunny Sydney, our favourite Christmas tradition is to eat our way through boxes of cherries and mangoes - both say Christmas to me more than anything else!

Michelle - email is michellearrow72 (at) gmail dot com - and btw, love your fabric and I'm using your masking tape to wrap all my Xmas pressies this year!

sofen said...

Greetings from Norway!

Our tradition is to have family dinner at Christmas eve, and then open the gifts afterwords.


Quilting in the Deep South said...

Hi, I am from New Zealand. Our favourite tradition is making a secret Santa gift for each other and writing a funny poem to go with it. It is guaranteed to be a morning of lots of laughter.

Jeanne Gwin said...

Hi and Merry Christmas. I am in Warrenssburg, Missouri which is just about the hub of the wheel, USA. My favorite tradition is waking up at my Son's house Christmas morning and getting to enjoy watching my grandson enjoy his gifts. Even though Santa is not a big deal anymore, does the magic of Christmas morning ever go away? not for me. Thanks

Julie said...

We always drive around looking at light displays on Christmas Eve, after church.

Karen said...

Our Christmas tradition is that each of us gets to open a present of our choosing on Christmas Eve. We all love that!

Gill said...

Happy Christmas Lu!
We always go to the midnight service on Christmas Eve at our local church - then it's back home for mulled wine and mince pies!

Dawn Frisch said...

Our favorite Holiday tradition is watching Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer each year. I've seen it every year (except for one year) since it was started on TV in 1964 and I'm 55!
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
array-dawn at cox dot net

Margaret said...

Making Christmas cookies with the grand children and this year the great grand children are old enough to help; mschindlerstar(at)gmail(dot)com

heart of charnwood said...

Fave Christmas tradition, probably it's making a new decoration with a photo of my little one on every year for the tree! :o). Great prize. Have a fab Christmas Mrs

Catrin Lewis said...

One of my favourite memories from my childhood is Dad driving us into the middle of nowhere at night and pointing out the brightest star and saying that it was the Bethlehem star. Now that my eldest is old enough it's a tradition that I want to start with my kids x

Tatiana said...

Such a nice book! Thanks for the giveway! my favorite holiday tradition was to make decorated cookies with my mom, it was a lot of fun and they were delicious!


Archie The Wonder Dog said...

It's not necessarily a Christmas/holiday tradition, more of a 'big family party' (the whole of my Dad's side of the family) tradition - when we're all together for tea we always have our jelly and ice cream or trifle first. Then sandwiches, etc. Then cake. We think it goes back to the days when grandma relied on the ice cream van to provide the ice cream. Or maybe it's just because it's easier to work out who wants what (and to serve it!) before people start eating sandwiches and pies, etc. Whatever the reason, I love our 'trifle first' tradition! (We do the same for Christmas tea, even though there are only a few of us and we're all sitting round the table!)
Your book looks fabulous and I've been reading marvellous things about it!

Esther said...

Nice book!!! I always travel to Brazil for Christmas and it is very hot there! I enjoy the heat! Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas for you!! Esther

Cheryl said...

We have a Christmas Eve tradition to go for a drive with the little ones and look up in the sky searching for Santa and his reindeer.

Linda Fleming said...

Great book!
I love to hear chidren's Christmas music.

cynthia said...

The book looks fabulous! I can hardly wait to start sewing with it. The best tradition here in south Texas is TAMALES!

Fran said...

I live in Australia so we have a summer Christmas. We live in a beach suburb & we have lots of friends who get together every year for a Christmas Eve evening swim & then a little picnic of snacks & festive drinks. It's such a nice relaxed way to catch up with friends at a time when things can be a bit crazy. Love the look of your book, thanks for the chance to win a signed copy!

Trina Gallop said...
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Trina Gallop said...

Our Christmas tradition is church on Christmas Eve... and then a fancy dinner in our fancy church clothes at... McDonalds. :) IT's the only place open in our city on Christmas Eve and heading there after the church service allows us to savour the season a little bit more.


beth said...

i love that my kids are old enough to start traditions of their own... like making stromboli for christmas eve!! the more relaxed we are about keeping some tradtions and letting others go, the better and happier we are, i think. elizabethlehman @ hotmail dot com

Denny1600 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Improv looks like it will fit my short attention span. Our Christmas tradition is to eat something non-Christmas-sy for the meal that day. Something yummy that we haven't had in a while. Then a side or two that goes with that and then a favorite side that gets made only around the quieter holiday time.

Denny1600 said...

Forgot: denny1600 at gmail dot com

Jennie said...

THanks for the chance to win one of your gorgeous mini quilts.

My little household celebrates the Winter Solstice on the 21st. We do stockings and evergreen boughs. Hubby likes to bake different holiday breads from around the world. I must have my dark chocolate pie.

Carolyn said...

Congratulations on your book! I love your first collection for Moda. I still have the Alphabets fabric which is great for teacher gifts.

Our Christmas tradition in NZ is to fire up the bbq and have bacon, eggs and breakfast sausages for breakfast. And the very essential champagne!

Donna~~ said...

My favorite Christmas tradition used to be that the family all gathered for clam chowder on Christmas Eve, then went to church services (which are lovely), and came home and played games and worked puzzles and talked until we all got tired. Now that my son is married, the traditions have all gone to his mother-in-law's, so I'm in the process of figuring out what new tradition my husband and I will have. Will have to read all of your comments to come up with a new one for us!

Debbie said...

My favorite tradition is reading Luke Chapter 2 as a family on Christmas eve and then each person opens one gift.

Andee said...

I give each of the kids a Christmas ornament that is signifiant to something from the year. It is my favorite gift to pick out and they all have plenty of ornaments for thier trees when they are grown!

andri. said...

Decorating the trees while listening to Christmas songs is always fun!:)

Lisa England said...

Here in the US my favorite traditions are get togethers for July 4th and for Thanksgiving. In my family it means good food, seeing family I don't see often enough, and general relaxation.

Nina said...

My favorite "tradition" is one that we just started last year - Santa Pig. We have a lighted pig dressed as Santa. He gives each person a quirky but useful present sometimes poking gentle fun at a particular characteristic of theirs. It's become a huge hit with our grown children.

Unknown said...

What an inspiring book and I love your quilts. We have a lot of fun at Christmas with the mystery gift exchange. The most popular and highly prized gift is the block of gouda cheese. This year there were two!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Lauriejo said...

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! My favorite holiday tradition started for New Year's Eve and was so much fun we have expanded it to all the holiday "eves". Instead of a regular dinner we have an evening of appetizers and board games. It is a wonderful chance for me, my husband, and our son to connect and spend some time together. On New Year's Eve we also watch the annual Twilight Zone marathon.

Anonymous said...

Our favorite Christmas tradition is going to Midnight Mass. It is so moving and the Church is always so beautifully decorated. Thank you for the wonderful gifts!
Just in case:

just me said...

Lovely giveaway :) My favorite tradition is to get my daughter and daughter in law together for cookie baking and grandbaby snuggles :)

Jaynie said...

My kids are both in their mid 30's and we reuse the same "giant" plastic gift bags for their gifts every year for the past 30 years. Now, instead of toys they always want "believe it or not" things like paper plates, plastic cups, paper towels, etc. These come in really handy for our single son, who hates to shop and hates to do dishes and our daughter who is a very busy mother to 3 kids and is always on the go.

Anita said...
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Anita said...

My favorite tradition is to make Christmas cookies together with my sons.

This is just the book I need for my growing bins of scraps. It would be fantastic to end up with a project as beautiful as one of the pictures you show.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

We all look forward to eggs Benedict Christmas morning...then laze the time away until the turkey it ready. I absolutely love what you are doing, improv sounds like so much fun!

grandmatomato said...

Our Christmas tradition is getting together on Christmas Eve. Our family goes to my sister's house. We have a great dinner with ham and many side dishes. One is where she makes LARGE potatoes into twice bakes potatoes. She spends hours doing the potatoes. We then open gifts around her beautiful Christmas tree.Dessert is lot of different Christmas cookies and home made candies. If I should win a copy of this book my sister and I would share it.When we meet on Wednesday to sew we will each choose what we would like to do.
Sandy K

Debbie said...

This book looks fantastic. I would love to have it. Thanks for the chance.

Debbie said...

Oh I forgot about the tradition question. We celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas by hanging up our stocking on the 6ht of Dec.

JustPam said...

I love spending time with the family over the holidays-and working on mystery quilts!!

denisew said...

As a new quilter, I would love to win your book. We start our Christmas season by watching A Christmas Carol with George C Scott. It is not Christmas until we watch this DVD.

Susan said...

I love the idea of your book. I have a plethora of scraps left over from sewing teacher dresses and little boy clothes. This blog hop is perfect for a rainy day in Florida where we are visiting our son (from Wisconsin) and his family. I quests this is becoming our Christmas tradition. Every other year we have been traveling from Missouri to be with them for a week, following Christmas. This is only the second year in this tradition and I hope it will continue.

Pam said...
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Pam said...

Some of the previous comments have some great ideas! My tradition: every year I give my kids ornaments, angel for my daughter, tin soldier for my son, from the same line so they match somewhat. Plus, I give a co-ordinating snowman or santa to their boyfriend/girlfriend. I've done this since they were babies, and now that they're in their 30s it's becoming more difficult to find co-ordinating ornaments. But the search is the fun.

Unknown said...

I come from North East Pennsylvania in the heart of the Endless Mountains. Christmas Tradition for my husband and I is watching classic Christmas Movies. "A Christmas Story" and "Miracle on 34th Street" But only the originalis, not the remakes.

Unknown said...

Saw the book information on Bonnie K Hunter's blog and love what you do with the scraps and look forward to winning a copy :-}. I recently moved to Arizona and Christmas is different in the SW so have new traditions to create; however I still hang my Christmas quilts everywhere.

maureen said...

In the days leading up to Christmas, we play "Hide the Tinsel". Whoever finds it, gets to re-hide it for someone else to find. We've been doing this for years with the same piece of tinsel (looking pretty ratty these days!!!)
Thanks for the chance to win!

Karen M said...

I would love to win. Thanks so much for the chance. Our family tradition is a 24 hour omelet for breakfast on Christmas morning. It bakes while we open presents and by the time we have cleaned up the paper mess, breakfast is ready.

sew lucky said...
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sew lucky said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is a party for all the grown women in my family . It's held the last Saturday of November or the first Saturday in December at an aunts house. It is just an awesome time of all my aunts & cousins ,some of which I haven't seen often . We have tons of food,drinks & play fun games for small prizes and catch up on each others lives . We have so many laughs and make so many memories for years to come . I can't imagine Christmas without it .Would be awesome to win .Thanks for the chance . Beth MacDonald Cape Breton NS Canada

Doreen B said...

This book looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!
Our tradition is to open gifts on Christmas Eve, Santa
even waves to us as he's leaving. Quite the excitement for the grandchildren!!

Helen in the UK said...

I'd love a chance to win a copy of the book and/or one of your beautiful minis! I have a large tub of strings that could do with some new inspiration so they could become quilts.
Not many traditions in the household, but we do always watch "It's a wonderful life" on xmas eve :)

Carole said...

Saw your book on Bonnie Hunter's site, colour in your quilts is wonderful. Not what I remember of England when I was I child. Our Christmas tradition is breakfast consisting of Caesars (like a Bloody Mary but with Clamato juice) and bacon sandwiches. Not at all healthy but it is once a year.

dolls5000a said...

love the book. one of our traditions, is the family comes over Christmas morning for breakfast of bacon and eggs

Carol C said...

Our Christmas tradition is to go to church on Christmas Eve, then over to my mom's for eats and gift opening. A visit from Santa too. In the morning we open gifts at home and then head back over to mom's for homemade cinnamon rolls, coffee and to see what Santa left in our stockings. Even though some of us are close to being 60 we still get things in our stockings!

Anonymous said...

Stephanie Finnell
Merry Christmas!! And Happy New Year!!
I've added a link to my favorite family Christmas tradition. We have had these White Elephant parties every year for the last 10 to 12 years. This year I've made a Smilebox slideshow. Hope everyone will click and enjoy!

Kay said...

My favourite tradition is that every Monday night in December everyone stays home and watches a Christmas film together with extra special treats to eat. Our children are all teenagers now and they still are happy to join in with this. Thanks for a fun giveaway.

Karen said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve service at church. So peaceful and meaningful. I live in Pensacola , FL. Thanks for sharing.

YankeeQuilter said...

My favorite is still cookie exchanges! A chance sit with friends and have a cup of coffee (or tea) and relax for a moment during the holiday rush! (Plus you go home with a tray of cookies/biscuits!)

Best of luck with your blog hop and book!

Cathy said...

I live in a small town of 1600 people, every year...since I was a child...I'm 54 now...the town puts up a lighted Christmas tree in the middle of the town square, right under the stop lights. I love it! I put electric candle lights in each of our windows, put on Christmas music, decorate the house & trees. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Kay Holm said...

I love making Swedish meatballs and Swedish pancakes for my family. The book looks fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Love what i have seen of your book and would very much like to win it.
I have several favorite Christmas traditions. i go to the candlelight Christmas Eve services at our church where we have communion, sing carols, and pass the light to each other with our lighted candles. Also our pastor and his wife sing "O Holy Night" while we do this. it's so beautiful.
Then i go home and watch the Christmas Eve Holy Mass in Rome on the TV with the Holy Father, which is also very beautiful. When i was a teen-ager our church youth group always went to the local Catholic church for midnight mass and celebrated along with them. (Each of us were blessed by the priest rather than taking communion because we weren't Catholics.) They were our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we loved sharing Christmas with them.
In our house my mother always used to make fudge with walnuts and marshmallows. She would also make Cherry Blink cookies for Christmas with the red or green cherries on the top. I have her recipe for both, and make them still. We also put lots (about 6 dozen) candy canes on our Christmas tree,(which goes up on the first Saturday in December) and then eat them thru December. We use them for stirrers each day in our mugs of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. they give a wonderful minty flavor to the chocolate, and look very festive at the same time. The challenge is to have a candy cane left at Christmas for the last mug of hot chocolate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My favorite family holiday tradition is to make homemade butter mints....Yummy!


Unknown said...

Our family christmas tradition is to go as a family to midnight mass on christmas eve, then home for roast beef sandwiches.

Kathryn said...

Merry Christmas. I love to make the cookies that my husband's mother used to make.

Debby said...

Your book looks great and either quilt would be loved

Unknown said...

My favorite tradition is Christmas and even though all my family is gone the memories of our Christmas celebrations together making cookies and our favorite meals still linger each year. Your quilts are so fresh and colorful and I love each individual block. Any of the quilts would be a joy to have. Your book is a definite one to add to any quilter's library. Diana N.

Marly said...

My favourite holiday tradition as a child was going for long walks, and I mean really long. Hike is probably a better word to describe them. Whatever the season, whatever the weather we walked. On Boxing Day the added bonus was seeing the Hunt: a short burst of noise, colour, movement and excitement that seemed, to an outsider, to be organised chaos.
I'd love to win your book. I'm sure I'd get ideas to create order from the chaos of my scrap box.

Kath said...

hello from wind, wet Glastonbury! Our wedding anniversary is between Xmas and NY day, so our favourite tradition is kissing under the mistletoe LOL
We eloped to Gretna green, so we always have a tin of Scottish tartan shortbread at Xmas. I'm so pleased I found your blog :-D

Unknown said...

We always have chili for Christmas Eve dinner and open the family gifts then. Stockings are from Santa then next morning. The book looks fabulous!

LadyBugBetty said...

I began a family tradition without realizing it. Growing up my kids loved when I made Divinity Candy, it might be late at night one of them would say, "Mom, wouldn't some Divinity taste good right now?" Lol They would give me those puppy eyes, my son especially was. Rey good at it. So I would mKe it. But after they all,let home, began families of their own, I would make it at Christmas and give them each a batch! My youngest granddaughter says "MawMaws divinity is the best part of Christmas!"

So divinity is expected every Christmas Eve and if someone doesn't learn to make it it will play out one day! Lol

So Christ, family and Divinity is our Family Tradition!

Anonymous said...

We make a special blend of spiced sugar to share with friends and family. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Anonymous said...

My favorite holiday tradition is playing violin and handbells for Christmas Eve services.

Margaret said...

Our tradition is to see the Nutcracker ballet. It never gets old.

Birdblocks said...

ah, Christmas is already last year now! And it feels so to, what is it with this last week of the year...
Our tradition is to go to an aunt of my Love everyone brings some food and we have a great fun dinner. After the glass-bulb-percolator is brought out. And after that we will play some boardgames or bridge. Lovely low-porfile and beautifully peacefull. With a woodburning heater and a real tree with real candles, dripping all over the branches and floor.
The first year I got 'into' the family my BF had to work on this day and without ever meeting the other family before, I was brought by my parents-inlaw to this party and it was wonderful. That is still a wonderful feeling and memorie.
Thank you for letting the give-away be open so long, so it gave me the time to find you! I did find your lovely fabrics already some time ago :-)
Greetings (groetjes) from Amsterdam, the Netherlands Merel
(aka mrs. Scissors)

Kelly said...

I think my favourite Christmas tradition is going to a Nine Lessons and Carols service by myself just before Christmas. Time to breathe and start to enjoy Christmas and remember it is not all about the to do lists and presents and too much food.

Julie S said...

The best part of Christmas is going to church on Christmas morning! The service ends with a huge choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus!

June D said...

The first weekend in December we all go to San
Diego's Balboa Park for December Nights. All the
museums are open, there are lots of food stalls music
and lights. It's a great event that we all look forward
to each year. Thank for putting my name in the hat for
the drawing of your lovely book. I'm so glad to have
discovered this blog hop thru Diary of a Quilter.

Anonymous said...

Christmas eve is filled with a talent show that each member of our family must participate in. Bahaha! It is always a good time! I am loving the quilts so far!

Kurt said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is all the kids sleeping under the Christmas tree a few days before. Great times.

Barb and Sharon said...

Our new tradition since moving to Oshawa is to go and see the Farm Tractor Christmas parade. The farmers put generators on their farm equipment and decorate them with lights and decorations, ie. trees and we watch as they go by and give out candy canes.

Carla said...

We love to all open our stockings together. Even the adult kids : )

Elsa said...

My son, dil and I moved to Portland, Oregon a few years ago. We found this wonderful street where every house is decorated ~ Peacock Lane and it's not far from our home. Every year now we first go out to dinner and then walk the street (with just about everyone in Portland) to look at all the lovely lights and decorations!

sewsaucysuzy said...

My favorite tradition is baking cut out sugar cookies. Not just any recipe either---one of 2 that I have used for over 30 yrs. They both contain sour cream and bake up about 1/2 inch thick. Lots of frosting, too. My grown children still request them.

Jodi said...

Reading the story of the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas morning with my family is very special to me.

susan cone said...

So excited to have found your blog hop. I LOVE, LOVE your book!!!

My favorite holiday tradition is making tamales for friends and Christmas morning breakfast. My sisters and I make dozens of tamales and enjoy our time together. My kids enjoy the tamales along with a large Christmas breakfast while relaxing on Christmas morning.

susan cone said...

So excited to have found your blog hop. I LOVE, LOVE your book!!!

My favorite holiday tradition is making tamales for friends and Christmas morning breakfast. My sisters and I make dozens of tamales and enjoy our time together. My kids enjoy the tamales along with a large Christmas breakfast while relaxing on Christmas morning.

Pam @ Quilting Fun said...

I just bought your book. Fabulous.

We love watching White Christmas together.

Pam said...

What a awesome book. Our family tradition is each year everyone gets to pick out a ornament for the tree

bumblebee53 said...

hi Lu; i love your book and your designs- so inspirational!

I live so far away from my family and don't get to spend the holidays with them. To keep from feeling sad, I send them homemade cards and gifts, and call them, of course. :)
i make a little 'refrigerator altar' with pictures of them and their growing kids. then i have their smiling faces with me. i decorate the tacky tinsel tree with wonky ornaments, and spend part of Christmas Eve or Christmas Day with friends and beloveds here where i live.

Heather Hambrick said...

Your mini quilts are beautiful!! I would love to have on hanging on the wall in my craft room. My favorite holiday tradition is shopping on Christmas Eve with my Dad. What started out as a necessary event became a tradition that has lasted since I was a child. We usually start with lunch, then shop and then home to wrap and dinner with family. Thanks for the chance to win your great book!

Melissa Oyler said...

We have dinner & gifts w/ my extended family & then a bunch of us go to the movies after the festivities.

moyler316 at me dot com

Unknown said...

My favorite holiday is 4th of July. Picnics, friends, rowdiness, and fireworks, I love it!

Cynthia H said...

Cynthia H. ~

We gather on Christmas Eve, go to church and come home to an appetizer party. We spend the evening chatting & enjoying!

KathySue said...

I am in love with your " building blocks". The page layout is fascinating and such fun to follow. Thank you for this great book. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet

Marti Taylor said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is making dinner. I adore cooking and this year I made spinach stuffed shells and was amazed when there wasn't any left over! Thanks for the chance to win your book and lovely mini quilts.

Jan Briggs said...
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Jan Briggs said...
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Jan Briggs said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree. It's full of different ornaments that my partner and I have collected. I have been semi-meticulous in documenting the ornaments which adds to the reminiscing fun. The final touch to the tree is artificial snow to remind us of our northern roots in sunny Florida.

Melissa said...

Hi Lu!:) your mini quilts are beautiful! Your book looks great and I can't wait to read it. I am new to quilting and I try to read every quilting book I can get my hands on, they have really helped with getting started! I'm a mom of four and our Christmas Eve tradition is to make cut out Christmas cookies, watch Polar Express and read The Night Before Christmas. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Melissa said...

I forgot to give you my email:

Unknown said...

Santa hides a pickle ornament on our tree. The person who finds the pickle gets to open the first present which is a Christmas book from Santa.
I would love to win. I have been visiting the blog hop sites and am excited to find your book in a quilt store near me.

skyberries said...

I've never tried improv quilting but I'd love to give it a go and your book seems like just the place to start.

This Christmas was our son's first and so my hubby and I began a new tradition of writing silly made up poems on each of his presents. It was quite spontaneous but I can see us doing it for many years to come! He may not have cared about the words all over his gifts but we had ourselves in stitches writing them.

skyberries3 at gmail dot com

Indianna said...

The whole village makes scarecrows and puts them in their gardens. We has a surfer in a wetsuit on our front lawn. Some are funny and some can be gruesome,like the headless butcher.

Sam Gillespie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam Gillespie said...

I'd love to enter please, your mini quilts look beautiful! I love spending time with my daughter in the summer hols, time on the beach, lazy mornings, crafting and teaching her new sewing skills. We also make a miniature fairy garden each year which is such fun! Thanks for the chance x my email: incywincytogs(at)

Unknown said...

Our awesome tradition is prawns and cold meats for Christmas lunch. It's too hot to be in a kitchen all day. Your quilts are amazing. hayleymstephens at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Making chocolate truffles and drinking hot chocolate :)

Pam said...

Although my daughter is 26 if she didn't get a homemade Christmas stocking full of little bits and bobs she would not enjoy the day at all. We were away this year and I had to do a 5 hour round trip as I left her stocking at home. Oh and I make a Christmas Quilt to donate each year.

Daisy Swaffer said...

I'm late in on the comp but better late than never!

I'm from West Yorkshire in England and there is a local carol which I grew up singing in choirs called Hail Smiling Morn which just makes all the cells in my body feel like Christmas!

The song is greeting Christmas Morn so on Christmas day every year I blast the carol out on my stereo and loudly sing along and I know it's Christmas then :)

Sharon E said...

Our favorite tradition is making cookies and giving them to people in our lives that have made a difference in the past year. thanks for a chance to win.

Marg M said...

Having Christmas Day here in Australia, usually on a stinking hot day, with an ice cream pudding instead of a hot one and then off to the beach for a swim before another big meal

Lynne said...

I have been following your blog hop but only now realised you have this giveaway. I've just come from I'm a Ginger Monkey.
We live in Germany just now so it's nice to visit the local Christmas Market. We have an indoor one in the village and we go with a friend every year. The stalls are few and always the same. But it's more about the occasion, and we chat to friends and drink gluwein. I usually make mincepies on Christmas Eve whilst listening to the carol service on the radio.

moira said...

room for a wee one? Our tradition used to be to get gished and drop the duck when taking it out of the oven. Now we have a little'un, it's more about watching jungle book a gazillion times.

Jill Dorsey || Made with Moxie said...

Awesome book! My favorite holiday tradition is Thanksgiving dinner. The food is so yummy and my family travels from all their far off places to be together. They're a bunch of awesome.

Sonia said...

Loved following the blog hop and still love looking through my copy of your book for inspiration. So generous of you to be giving away these fabulous quilts x

Fran said...

What a great blog hop, the book looks fabulous! Holiday tradition has to be watching The Snowman :-)

scrapinlinda said...

Would be great to win a mini quilt from YOU!! Our Christmas tradition is always eating sausage balls, we love them!!
Thanks for the chance for a win!!

Michele T said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!! I'm not sure if this would count as a tradition but our family will drive around our town in the evening to check out the lights, decorations and snow sculptures. It is always an event we look forward to doing together.
Your book looks amazing... especially all the colours - wow!!
micheletimms at gmail dot com

dolores said...

Just read the lovely story of how you and Katy met....lucky for both of you!:)

Tradition...Day after Thanksgiving we troop outside and put colored lights on one evergreen we have in the middle of the yard to be lit Dec 1st. We don't take them down until Feb 1st which this year is extra special because our girl, who has been living in the UK for the past 3 years, is coming home on Feb 1st!!:)

2sew4fun said...

My favorite tradition started when my husband I had our first Christmas together, got engaged and went to cut down a real tree. I had to look at every tree in the field to find just the right one. I love all the color you use in your quilts and blending different shapes. I will buy the book if I don't win it!!
jvarnold91 at gmail dot com. Thanks for the inspiration!!

Lisa said...

I would love a chance to win your book and mini-quilt! Thank you! My favorite tradition is to read The Polar Express with my first graders and give them all "the first gift of Christmas."

Julie said...

I have kind of forgotten about Christmas holidays now - my best/worst, and annual, tradition is to leave it all to the last minute and feel terribly surprised when it comes around again. Maybe I'll learn one day.
The book is on my wishlist and I would love a copy. Plus a piece of your work goes without saying!

Jilly said...

My favorite holiday tradition is actually our family birthday tradition. For every kid's birthday, we make a chocolate layer cake. Then we go to the local candy store and pick out candy for the cake, and everyone loads candy on before we sing "Happy Birthday". It is really fun and the kids love it.

I already have your book - I knew I wanted it because I favorite almost all your quilts on Flikr. It is really great. I would love to have one of your mini quilts, though.

Jill chapman -

giddy99 said...

We don't have many traditions, things change here every year! I am required to make my own version of Chex Mix though, for every holiday and family gathering (in a GIANT 42-cup bowl). :)

SeeMaryQuilt said...

I love the after-Thanksgiving cleanup. We all form a long line and wash and put away the fancy dishes and snack on the leftovers before they're put away.

Thanks for the chance!

Patti said...

I guess it's a tad late for Christmas traditions now, but we love opening one gift Christmas Eve. Thanks for the chane to win

SewLittleToSay said...

I think the tradition of giving presents on Christmas Day will die out and be replaced by the tradition of buying presents on Christmas Day in the online sales.

kathy said...

My favorite tradition is a relatively new one in our family. It is Games and Cornish Pasties on New Years Day with friends and family. I admire your work and your new book looks fantastic.

Kristen said...

I live in the USA and grew up in a big family (8 children) I love our traditions of cutting a huge (18 ft) tree in the forest every year, setting it up and sleeping under the tree sometime during the Christmas season.

Debbie said...

We love really fun food on Christmas Day and I usually try all sorts of new recipes, which is kind of crazy with all the gifts, guests, and general activity, but we do enjoy it!

Crafty Coffin said...

When I was a kid, my parents used to put my sister and I in our pjs and drive s.l.o.w.l.y around the neighborhood looking at the lights - I can't wait until my son is old enough to start this tradition with him!

EmileeHope said...

I don't think I could pick just one thing...I love singing Christmas carols, making cookies together, reading "The Night Before Christmas" and the Christmas story on Christmas Eve. It is all so much fun and brings back great memories from my childhood Christmases. (Oh, and of course watching White Christmas & A Christmas Story & Elf!)

Tricia said...

Thanks for the chance! We have a special dinner with our family on Christmas Eve

Ann said...

Making valentine heart cookies in red and white hearts with little white and red hearts in the center. Used to make them with mom and now my kids expect them.

Donna Baker said...

I can't think of any traditions we have but the Zilker Park trail of lights is always packed during the holidays in Austin. one time we made it but didn't see the trail but we spun under the huge light tree.

Cheryl said...

Christmas eve dinner and drinks with my parents and siblings, and all our kiddos!

Unknown said...

My favorite holiday tradition is baking a German almond bread called stollen. Also, eating it. :) Beautiful book you've written.

Unknown said...

My favorite holiday tradition is baking a German almond bread called stollen. Also, eating it. :) Beautiful book you've written.

Unknown said...

We have a tradition of taking a family photo in front of our decorated house (at night) which always features one of my parents classic cars as a "sleigh" with reindeer in front and all. Love it!
Love this book too! Great job and congrats on the publishing! Thank you!

Allison Sews said...

I love going to see all of the beautiful Christmas lights each year

Jennifer said...

Every year for Christmas my family makes Glugg (spiced port wine with almonds and raisins and orange) and it's my favorite thing of all things when it comes to the holidays.

Karen said...

I'm in love with your book and I haven't even seen it in person yet! Your mini quilts are gorgeous too! My favorite holiday tradition would have to be my cousin's birthday, the day after Christmas, when my whole family gets together for a spaghetti feast. It's a great time to catch up with all the babies (there are a LOT of cousins keep having twins) and my 103-year-old grandfather.

the running hare said...

I already have a signed copy of your book ( from FQ Retreat 2013)but I'd love to win one of your fab mini- quilts. The newish tradition in our house, is for me to get up at 6.ooam and start all the food preparation. I love the quiet before the storm and I love cooking, so it's actually fine by me.

ivana said...

I have your book it came to me long way to the Czech Republic!!!Any of minis is more then welcome in my home!!!
Lovely tradition in our country? We always give some coins to little Jesus in our church my kids loved it!
Thank you for the chance to win and congratultion on your great book

Unknown said...

I would love to win the signed book and either one of the quilts. They are both intriguing. One of our fav traditions are the turkey tacos, homemade salsa, and cranberry salad we always make for dinner the day after Christmas(and usually Thanksgiving too). They are to die for. We have friends and family come from far and wide for them. We make extra turkey and dressing just for the tacos. YUM Jackie

Elisabeth said...

I would simply love one of your minis on my wall. As for Christmas traditions, we open our presents on Christmas Eve; one day less to wait!
Thank you so much for the chance of winning such a wonderful prize.
eli [at] sharksdinner [dot] com

liniecat said...

This book is on my wish list because I know I wont win lol
Christmas traditions....well I do try and sober during the cooking stages but after that........the games on !
Good luck with book sales!!

Unknown said...

Our Christmas Eve tradition is a treasure hunt for my two children. The clues lead them to some new pajamas, a new DVD, some popcorn and luxury hot chocolate. When it has all been discovered we all snuggle up on the sofa in our new pj's, watching our new DVD whilst eating popcorn & drinking hot chocolate. Your mini quilts are just gorgeous, thanks for the chance of winning one!

bee said...

one of my favorites is making our Christmas Eve dinner and baking with my mom. the steps i'm responsible are the same year to year and it's nice to have that tradition and memories in the making.

Unknown said...

My favorite tradition is Christmas dinner with my family. No matter how far apart we live Christmas dinner is a must! melcrafts (at) gmail [dot] com

Carol said...

Our family tradition - or at least one of them - is getting our tree on Dec 23rd because they're cheaper, but we've had some really beautiful huge trees over the years. It means last minute decorating and one year we couldn't find the lights, but what needs to get done, does.

salamanda said...

I have really enjoyed the blog hop. A favourite family tradition is having homemade biscotti and lemon cello and it is essential to dunk the biscotti in the lemon cello.

Sue H said...

Really enjoyed reading all the blogs and especially seeing all the pictures of your work - inspiring!
Favorite holiday tradition - making homemade chocolates with my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Tradition.....having Xmas morning breakfast together before everyone goes to in-laws or friends for lunch or dinner. Love your book!

Marianne said...

Making Russian teacakes, those small rounded cookies covered in powdered sugar, and drinking hot chocolate! Those mini quilts are sweet.

Donna said...

My favorite holiday tradition is the amazing New Mexican food my family makes for Christmas. Posole, tamales and biscochitos - the real deal. Congrats on your new book!

GeniP said...

We really don't have a tradition due to family being so scattered. Thanks for the opportunity.

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