Tuesday, 7 August 2007

an experiment, maybe an etsy product?

i bought ten 6" x 4" canvases the other week, they're so cute! i decided to have a little experiment yesterday, and finished it this morning. i'm squirreling away possible product ideas for an etsy shop, would you mind giving opinions? i know it's a bit of a cheek to ask, but i'd really appreciate a bit of 'market research feedback'. thanks awfully! :)

this piece is called 'mrs innis'. i used some old rent book paper that the lovely hens teeth sent to me. it also has wallpaper that covered my old school books and the ever reliable dress pattern paper.


style='clear: both;'
Anonymous said... 1 2

Happy to oblige with the market research! The size makes its very memorable (6 x 4 = 15 x 10 cm in my world), easy to post and easy to display at home/work once we buy it. Probably puts it in a very wallet-friendly price bracket too. The fact that its an "original" instead of a digital print is a big plus too. We all want an original. I'm loving the handwriting in the back.

I'd buy it. But in greens...

On question (possible a dumb one), how on earth did you get machine stitching on a stretched canvas?

Anonymous said... 3 4

I think its brilliant hon! I would buy it...:) Great size and original, perfect...

lu summers said... 5 6

greenolive: aha! the mystery of the
stitched canvas is done by small green elves in the middle of the night when the moon is high and fairies are dancing and spreading sparkly dust over all who sleep.
seriously, thanks for your very detailed comment, i will take it all on board. some very valid points made. cheers!

sarita: thankyou! i'm really glad the main selling point is that it's an original rather than a print (not that i have anything against prints, of course!)

Anonymous said... 7 8

Love! Love! Love! Think you are on to a winner here! Thanks for your help with my new site. Much appreciated x

Marissa L. Swinghammer said... 9 10

It was my 4"x4" pieces that first got me noticed on Etsy. I think 6"x4" is a lovely size. And unlike my work yours doesn't need to be framed which has a lot of appeal.

And I am still interested in the card/ sticker swap I just have a lot going on right now. Hope you understand!

Ali said... 11 12

I like it - ditto the comment about not needing to be framed. Framing is just so damn expensive.

Anonymous said... 13 14

I love it too, great size,Something unusual and well made - just right for a gift.

Anonymous said... 15 16

Lovely, and I would buy :)

Catherine Louise Brown said... 17 18

Defo would buy, they are sooo lovely, not seen anything else like it! :-) love your blog, just discovered it!

Anonymous said... 19 20

I LOVE it! In fact, I came over here, saw the picture and ran to the shop, where I was disappointed. I finally read that it's 'just' a prototype.
Did I say I'd buy it, yet?

Francesca said... 21 22

this is lovely lucie. judging by all the comments, i think you have your answer!