i just wanted to say a big thank you to those who left a comment after my last post. i've also had lots of really nice comments on the same pics on my flickr page. that's the first time i've ever posted about my insecurities; i think many creative people (esp. those with little children too) have similar feelings from time to time...last week i just felt it was a big struggle trying to be a 'good mum' at the same time as being 'an artist'. in the end i did both things pretty badly and i just ended up stressed. i've had a refreshing weekend though with equal amounts of quality family and working time, so things are looking up :)
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18 February 2008 at 13:53
18 February 2008 at 15:33
I know how you feel Lu. It's that "spreading yourself thinly" thing. I have moments like that often.
i think we just have to accept that we will have weeks like that sometimes and hope that next week will be better. the great thing is that we are finding a way to make a living (however small) doing what we love AND raising a family...for me it's all i ever dreamed of.
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