Saturday, 16 February 2008

good feeling

an update on 'skyline 2'. after a difficult week on a personal level, (two words: teribble twos) i've buried my head and got on with some work... i've made 16 of these little collages so far and i've mounted them on my living room wall so i can look at them while i work...they make me so happy, i can't tell you. i think it's the clarity of the colours against lots of white...and the strength of the black stitched line against the fairly soft colours. it's a good contrast, and i feel they are very 'me'. i'm terrible for surfing the net and finding stuff that's inspiring, which should be a good thing. but sometimes when i'm feeling doubtful and insecure about my work, it makes me uneasy and slightly depressed and i feel my work isn't 'good enough'. with this piece i've ignored those silly thoughts and really feel i've found my groove and it's a good feeling.


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minkee said... 1 2

wow, this looks lovely! when is the show?

Ali said... 3 4

They look absolutely incredible.

Anonymous said... 5 6

I love them, ditto what minkee said, when's the show?

Anonymous said... 7 8

thankyou for your kind comments!
the show is on from around 29th march til the end of april. rather crapply, i can't remember the exact dates...doh.

sue bulmer said... 9 10

I know what you mean about not feeling your stuff is good enough when you look at all the amazing stuff on blogs etc on the net, I feel the same. Your work is fab, so keep it up girl!!

Anonymous said... 11 12

they're so lovely. all together like that. lovely x

Francesca said... 13 14

lu, i'm sure we all have those insecurities and it is especially difficult when you can surf the net and see all the amazing things people are making. i def have days like that. then something hits and i'm on a roll. you are brilliant and way way 'good enough'! keep it up.

i also had a bad week last week, my little one (2 and a bit) had a cold and he was an absolute monster! so i'm with you on all levels lady lu!

lovely textiles said... 15 16

I just found you and i think your groove is a rather nice one. I'm enjoying your work very much and can see it's going in a really good direction. Know what you mean about being a mum though, it can make you feel a bit 'buried'. thanks for a lovely blog. x