Wednesday, 19 March 2008

bribe update

i realised that i probably should have a had a sneak peak of the freebie i'm throwing in with the canvas buy any of the canvases in the stalk series and you'll receive a little (6 x 4 inches) 'graphix' sketchbook worth around $10, these babies are totally limited edition, only four of this size have been made, two in white and two in red...i'm also changing the deadline until 10pm tonight (gmt) and yes, it's ok, i'm aware that this probably smacks of desperation, hehe


style='clear: both;'
Francesca said... 1 2

roll up roll up, come an' get yer mixed media canvas over 'ere me loves. cor blimey love-a-duck!

sue bulmer said... 3 4

hey Lu
SO ho is the bribery going? Seems to be having the desired effect.. um, note to self, must try this tactic!!! Good luck, and loving the pictures

Anonymous said... 5 6

woman, I love these notebooks! I wish I'd thought of them.

...and i love the ledger notebooks too. you're so smart. you bookmonger you... : )

love, susy