Tuesday 25 March 2008


i spent a couple of hours putting up two of my pieces, skyline I and skyline II, (above) up at the lady chapel in ely cathedral today. i'm really happy with how it went up, but the pics i took were pretty dreadful. the best one is above. the exhibition is up until the end of april and is called 'in response'. it feels very bare in my living room walls now, but strangely like wiping the slate clean...ready to start new projects.
oh, by the way, i got some good news about my secret commission today...two versions are being shown to the 'big boss' in new york next week....eeeek! sorry about being so vague, will tell/show you more when i can.


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Anonymous said...

New York!?!? do you get to go as well? Can't wait to hear more :)

As I said on Flickr, I think your Ely pieces are fantastic, I love them :) What will happen to them when the exhibition finishes?

Francesca said...

new york?!! (exactly raspberry, that's what i said). what can it be?

i'm very impressed with your ely piece. high five's all round!

lu summers said...

i know, new york! sadly i don't get to go...there's probably no reason to be quite so secretive (except for the fear that if i say it out loud it might not happen!)but i don't want to get a rap on the knuckles for revealing too much...i'm dying to post pics, and i will asap.

© Shalom Schultz said...

Love your work. Great colors and fun to look at.