oh yes, my new toy came the other day and i've been too busy to give it the attention it deserves...but today the sun has been shining, the boys are at my mum's for the day so i decided to give my lovely shiny badge making machine a proper play. i've been going badge and magnet crazy! anything flat is finding itself encased in badge mylar... (the shiny layer on top of the badge) you name it, it's been 'badged'! the pic is of the more successful experiments...a set of five badges, now available at the shop.
on different subject, i've been sitting sunning myself reading the latest robert crais mystery...but my husband tells me there's more snow on the way at the weekend. what the devil's going on people?
and talking of mysteries, this one is for my fellow uk-ers, (and i know i'm going to sound crazy) has anyone noticed the very strange disappearance of oxo gravy granules in the supermarkets, or is it just a suffolk thing? it's really annoying because the only alternative is bisto, and i don't really like it. i've just realised what a total saddo i am for asking that, but it really is strange. i'm interested to find out whether it's going on in other parts of the uk. and on that pathetic note, i'm going. goodbye.
style='clear: both;'-
3 April 2008 at 17:20
3 April 2008 at 18:03
4 April 2008 at 15:47
4 April 2008 at 16:31
On the Oxo front, my aunty has noticed the disappearance, as my uncle won't have any other brand! Loverrrrly badges btw!
Cute badges :)
Can't say I've noticed the OXO disappearance but will check the shelves in Tesco next time I go!
can't help you lu as i don't buy them, but i will have look next time!
v cute badges, like little sweets.
Love the badges - I want a machine now!!!!hehehe
oxo? thought they only made cubes! the factory is only 1 town away, will pop in on your behalf and find out what they are playing at!
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