i really ought to wait until tomorrow to post these, when i've had time to properly work out some really yummy colourways - but i'm just too impatient! i'm planning on selling them all as singular screen prints and also as a two colour print with the check as a background. the checked one will work on it's own acting as a 'plain' that will also go with the floral one or the original totem design in a project. i've decided to call the checked one (or plaid) 'weave' as it was inspired by a piece of scrim i had lying around. BUT i don't have names for the check background/flowers or the flowers on their own...which is where i hoped you guys might help. if you could come up with names for both of these pieces by leaving a comment below, to sweeten the deal i will of course have a little prize for the names i like the most (a piece each of 3 fabrics.) i'm after something a bit more original than 'flowers' or 'flora' which is boringly what i was going to call the flower one. i also thought the other could be called 'woven flowers'...but i'm sure one of you could be a lot more creative! thanks in advance, and shall we say deadline is thursday 11th at 12pm gmt? that gives you a day and a half. can't wait to see what you come up with :) x
style='clear: both;'-
Michelle Engel Bencsko
9 September 2008 at 19:24
Marissa L. Swinghammer
9 September 2008 at 19:33
9 September 2008 at 19:35
9 September 2008 at 23:08
10 September 2008 at 04:06
10 September 2008 at 08:22
sue bulmer
10 September 2008 at 18:00
10 September 2008 at 19:47
10 September 2008 at 21:55
10 September 2008 at 22:03
11 September 2008 at 00:00
sue bulmer
11 September 2008 at 10:01
16 September 2008 at 16:21
The bottom one reminds me of a party: Garden Party.
The other of a field of wildflowers: Meadow.
That's all I've got. Except to say, they look wonderful!
I wish I was better with titles. That is probably the hardest part for me some days.
They are gorgeous.
don't know how original they are and they are not fully formed titles but the first thing that sprung to mind is that they look like they've just been snipped. so gardening, deadheads, pruning etc and the background looks like grass or lawn.
love the teal deadheads!
I was going to say wildflowers or meadow too – the flowers by themselves are scattered across the fabric just like a meadow.
Alright, I've got a bunch of words running around my head, like...
in blooms
happy homestead
woven garden
properly blooming (the plaid print, b/c plaid is just so mannerly)
Just some thoughts
The fabric is lovely and I'm sure no matter what the name, they will make someone very happy.
How about the German "Blumen" for the flowers. Or "Schnittblumen" for cut flowers.
The flowers with the plaid background could be called "Blumenkorb" or flower basket.
The prints are lovely.
Um, some lovely ideas already, how about flowery snippets? Have been to work all week, feeling brain dead, but will send you more if brain recovers soon!!
a prize you say?!
flowers on their own - 'spring'
and on their own, i was going to say 'sprung' (but that'd get confusing) so - 'bounce'
both names inspired by the life that's grown and the jaunty, playful angles the flowers are at.
very pretty, by the way.
Floral Weave for the bottom one - but then I'm hopeless at coming up with names for my jewellery and always end up going for the most obvious one!
'Pick Me' for the plain background and 'Pick Me Patch' for the weave. They really do seem to be saying that - practically jumping up and down with such zeal saying, "pick me, pick me!"
okay - I will give this a try... I like the word 'bouquet' (a bunch of flowers...) and I like the words meandering ('cause the flowers are all over!), mesh and basket to describe the background with it - so maybe meandering bouquet or mesh bouquet or bouquet basket??? Hmmm. Jamie V in MT
Les petits fleurs de lu, not sure if grammatically corrrect but thought i would go with the french thing as the weave looks like it belongs in a petite french cottage
Oh I especially love that last one, very kind of 1950s / Lucienne Day type thing. I have no names for you, just a ton of admiration x
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