ha! you naughty lot! that's the most comments i think a post has ever got, and all i've got to do is mention bollocks and wanking! it sounds like quite a few of you actually clicked through to the brilliant fry and laurie sketch - i'd also forgotten the great chap in dictionary corner - obviously mimicking giles brandrith - with his knitted 'twat' jumper - i probably watched that sketch 6 times yesterday, giggling like a school child!
right, to sensible matters...today i spent much of the day painting the ceiling in a newly plastered room at the farm. i ache. but...and this is the best bit - while i was slaving away, the builders were also busy, demolishing the wall between our living and kitchen areas, woohoo! i haven't done many 'before' pics of the farm, simply cos it's rather boring to anyone but me, (and of course i can't wait to do the big 'reveal' of before and after pics) but today i can't resist, months of work at the farmhouse have gone on and to me, this represents a key moment in the renovation. look at the thickness of the wall (18 inches!) and, excitingly, on one large piece of flat stone, was a child's drawing of a horse. god knows when this was done. my father in law has lived in this house all his life and he can't remember drawing it, but there's a scribbled initial 'a' on another brick, so it was either him or his sister. i had the builders carefully take it out intact and will keep it in my workroom. sam thinks i'm a madwoman. i think he has no romance in his soul.
style='clear: both;'-
Michelle Engel Bencsko
23 October 2008 at 02:46
sue bulmer
23 October 2008 at 16:38
Charlie P
23 October 2008 at 23:37
My goodness, now that's a wall! I love that you found a treasure, too.
bollocks, wank and twat are just such good words though!! They make me smile every time!!! He He!
Thank you for posting the link to Fry and Laurie- I'd only ever seen the first half so seeing 'Giles' in his twat jumper was a hilarious surprise!...must have watched it a good 5 times before wasting the rest of the afternoon watching every other Fry and Laurie skech ever made :D
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