Tuesday, 21 October 2008


i've nothing particularly interesting to report lately. the backspace button has broken on my laptop so when if i make a typo i have to faff about with the delete button which is a pain in the arse. that's about as exciting as my life get right now.
oh, yeah, last night i did a talk to a group of textile-minded ladies - more patchworkers than anything else, but they were very enthusiastic about my work and i also did a screenprinting demo which they loved. they went home happy and so did i - not only did i get paid for the talk but some of my bits and pieces sold too! yay!
if you are wondering why my post is entitled 'wanker' i shall explain. while i potter about my business at home, i have the tv on and i usually have it tuned to 'countdown' for a few minutes. now all you uk-ers will know all about countdown, but for all you other folk that has no clue, very briefly, it's a show where you randomly select 9 consonants and vowels and have 30 seconds to find the longest word. a bit like boggle. it's very popular with students and old people (there are always adverts for super noodles and stannah stairlifts/werther's orginals in the break - they know their target audience) anyway, imagine my surprise when one cheeky chappy came up with the word 'wanker' today. i think i spat out my tea. i think the other guy came up with 'spanker' which is a little bit pervy, but channel 4 beeped out 'wanker'. lovely susie in dictionary corner said it was fine though! it reminded me of a fry and laurie sketch years ago (way before hollywood beckoned and mr. laurie became a miserable but brilliantly disturbed dr. house) where they did a spoof of coundown and the letters they got were B, O, L, L, O, C, S & K and of course they got hundreds of words other than 'bollocks'. classic.
ohhhh - update! i just searched you-tube for a clip of the fry and laurie sketch, i'd totally forgotten stephen's brilliant piss-take of richard whitely, and the contestants are called simon sad and liz tragic...see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X1cKMKcHmg


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Tacha said... 1 2

I used to love fry and laurie - now you've brought back memories.

Anonymous said... 3 4

Only you could write a post about Countdown and wanker and get away from it!

Maria said... 5 6

Funny! I used to watch Fry and Laurie in Wooster and Jeeves on PBS years ago here in the States, and LOVED them. Laurie does a good House, but I preferred his funny bone!
Nice blog!!
Maria in FL

all over the map said... 7 8

i'm laughing away here. i'd love that show as i'm geeky that way but the sketch has me in stitches. gah! wonder if we get that program here in Australia.
btw. you commentary on the adverts and all. funny.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said... 9 10

Hahahhahahhahahahahh! Thanks for that!

Swirlyarts said... 11 12

Stephen Fry is a very very funny and clever man - that had me giggling this morning :)

Francesca said... 13 14

that is one of my favourite fry and laurie sketches. too funny! so tell me - which part of the countdown target audience are you? the stairlifts or the pot noodles?! x

sue bulmer said... 15 16

yey for countdown! By thE way the fabric is looking great!

Heather Moore said... 17 18

Hee hee! And yup, look at all those comments! Is it the "wank" or just the "ank" bit that inspires comments, I wonder? I just did a post about hANKies, and got heaps of comments. So, a tip for comment-hungry bloggers: just say "ank".