god, i feel sort of i dunno, overwhelmed i suppose - what with all the farmhouse excitement, trying to be there for an hour or so a day to speak to the builders, answer queries, watch progress, make sure things like electrical switches are the ones i ordered (they weren't) trying to make sure the electricians and the builders don't kill each other (yes, really) feeling guilty because none of this is getting any new work done, i'm desperate to get some printing done, i'm so low on stock (my work to-do list is HUGE) - all this is competing with trying to look after my lovely boys...gah! i'm tearing my hair out and the house (the one we live in) is a complete and utter pigsty. so. anyway. i found a little window of time to do something i've been meaning to do for ages - and that is to make some christmas stars. they are similar to the ones i made last year for the 'holiday ornament swap' but using my fabric. you can buy them right here if you like ;)
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all over the map
28 October 2008 at 01:28
28 October 2008 at 07:26
28 October 2008 at 10:32
sarah ahearn bellemare
28 October 2008 at 14:19
28 October 2008 at 20:06
sue bulmer
28 October 2008 at 21:00
29 October 2008 at 06:16
edward and lilly
29 October 2008 at 07:09
Gone to Earth
30 October 2008 at 09:47
sue bulmer
2 November 2008 at 18:13
3 November 2008 at 21:02
i know the overwhelmed feeling all too well. im living in the middle of a major remodel/build. it isn't pretty. that photo of your farmhouse. well our place is like that only we are in it too. i want to pull my hair out a lot.
laughing. my husband is an electrician. i've heard a few words exchanged between tradesmen. ahem! let's just say it's no place for ladies.
the stars are great. nothing like a little christmas cheer to get you perked up.
The stars are lovely! I hope you cope with the building madness, it must be horrid. Great when its all done though!
you know all this tearing your hair out will be worth it in the end - it's just a bit hard to cope with whilst it is going on.
Still you managed to get some lovely Christmas stars made - I keep seeing your fabric spring up, there are some lovely things being made (I promise to show you what I have made when I get around to making them!)
I've just tagged you over on my blog btw, but seriously, there is no pressure to tag - unless you just need a small escape from it all of course :o)
hi ya lu-
hope you can see the nov/dec issue of cloth paper scissors soon with my article... who do i of course mention??? my pal across the pond of course! ha! hope you can see it, if not, lemme know and i'll send one your way... xoxo. *s
ps: love the stars...
these are lovely.
you may be overwhelmed, but these stars don't say so.
and now, i'm off to summersville to see what else you've been cooking up.
lovin the stars, you should decorate your whole tree in them!! Hope you are feeling less over whelmed tomorrow. Ok, off to watch Spooks x
The stars are stunning, really. They're sooo cool!
Oooh, I love your blog, just stumbled across it. Those stars sure are cute!
Love the stars and your blog. I've tagged you so please pop by and see what you have to do.
HI Lu, saw this post on one of my blog reads and thought of you, it might be of some interest and get you some decs for your Xmas tree??
These stars looks so gorgeous, the kind of detail that only comes with a skilled eye and a practiced craft.
I hope you don't mind me saying, but I've seen a few people suggesting copying these on some blogs lately - I hope people realise that it isn't acceptable to copy someone's work!
After all the time, effort, skill and training that goes into your work people who just lazily rip off someone's talent should be ashamed of themselves. Not to mention that it's illegal too of course.
You deserve every success for your wonderful work.
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