i've just uploaded all my new sketchbook/notebooks on etsy and my back is killing me. just thought i'd post a couple more photos of the new twist design...off now to watch mindless telly and possibly eat some malteasers...hmmmmmm...malteasers...
ps...just to lower the tone somewhat (and you know how i love a tone-lowerer) i learnt a new word yesterday. sharting. it means to fart and follow through with a bit of, well, shit. i howled with so much much laughter, i actually slightly weed myself. thankfully i didn't shart. now that would've been ironic. did any of you lot ever hear this word, or am i so not down with kids it passed me by? i can't believe i've lived my entire 33 and 3 quarter years without knowing this word, and i keep trying to slip it into conversations. not easy when you're in a meeting with the bank manager or talking to your son's headmistress, trust me.
style='clear: both;'-
25 February 2009 at 23:10
25 February 2009 at 23:11
26 February 2009 at 04:57
26 February 2009 at 11:39
26 February 2009 at 11:46
27 February 2009 at 06:39
2 March 2009 at 10:19
Pattern and Perspective
18 March 2009 at 00:37
Kitchen fitter in Faversham
26 March 2009 at 13:14
Kitchen fitter in Faversham
26 March 2009 at 13:14
I've never heard that one! Who enlightened you?! Just exactly HOW have you attenpted to subtlely slip this into a sentence?
Ooh and where are those buses from? (I collect 'em.)
oh that is funny!
and I like the elephant!
where in the world did you find him?
I love learning new crap words!! My husband says, "did ya get somethin' for the effort?" if it sounds a little wetter than usual!! Gross but hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your journals look lovely! Big fan.
Thanks for making me laugh!! So silly but so amusement!
Learned it from some Ben Stiller movie a few years back. And I'm almost 60 years old--so glad you're finally catching up!
Like su49san, I first heard it in "Along Came Polly". Philip Seymour Hoffman's character used the term when talking to Ben Stiller's character. I can't say I've ever heard it in conversation though [good luck with that!].
Like Tamara and su49san, I also heard it in the movie. The only person I actually know that uses in a conversation is my boyfriend and he only does it front of me and his parents and his daugther...okay, maybe that's too many people already. But, hey, boys are gross no matter how old they are.
Lovely patterns! they work very well gather together in different colors.
Lovely patterns! they work very well gather together in different colors.
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