hello! so, after a day of wallpapering (and only a tiny bit of swearing from both of us - rather amusingly my mum said the f word, not realising frank was in the room, to which he said most disapprovingly, "grandma! not even mummy uses that word in front of us very often" *snigger* she'll be so cross i told you that!) where was i? oh yes, the wallpaper, so subtle and lovely! - oh god, i love it. love it. love it.
my birthday was actually less painful than i thought it might be (i had an image of waking up and watching as my boobs slid down to rest on my knees...thankfully that hasn't happened just yet) frankly the only thing worth the pain of getting a year older are presents, and i did pretty well out of that deal...from sam and the boys i got these in turquoise, this in bright pink, this in iris blue and joy of joys, this for my ipod nano! so i can look all summery whilst listening to my favourite tunes. sorted.
style='clear: both;'-
Tara @ Aquamarine Art
25 April 2009 at 19:52
Pair of Writers
25 April 2009 at 20:07
25 April 2009 at 21:29
26 April 2009 at 11:17
27 April 2009 at 10:22
Michelle Engel Bencsko
27 April 2009 at 18:13
Your kitchen is beautiful!
I'm glad to hear that you survived your birthday with body parts still intact.
Love the sublty of the wallpaper - very pretty!
The wallpaper is gorgeous - and bad mum for swearing! That never happens in my house - honest :)
happy birthday honey x x x
they don't look saggy from here!
Happy Birthday!
Love love love the wallpaper!!
I learned all the dirty words I know from my mother and because she is not around kids very often she forgets to be in edit mode.
Glad to hear your birthday was non-sagging and fortuitous.
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