Wednesday, 16 December 2009

an advent calendar of a different kind...

i was thrilled to be asked to take part in stephanie's a studio with a view blog as part of her 'artist advent calendar'. if you don't already know about this, do take a peek at the other artist contributions,(click here to see them so far) she's got a fantastic selection of cool people sharing recipes, pictures and arty crafty ideas. it's a lovely look into people's lives and holiday traditions around the globe. you can see my red and white themed contribution if you click here.

now seems like a good time to say 'see you later' for the year - i'm getting busier with school/kids related things and working out stuff to do when the boys break up next week. we've got a busy time ahead with friends and outings, so i think i'll say ta ta for now, hope you have a wonderful holiday season wherever you are in the world. thanks so much for all the comments i receive - i read and laugh and love each and every one, and feel bad that i don't always reply to them. happy new year, and see you in 2010! (unless there's something i just have to tell you! ;)

bye! x
PS...if you can''t get enough of beautifully styled rooms, holly over at decor8 has a new flickr group called interior styling and it's full of totally yummy interior shots by stylish flickr peeps. dee-lish!


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silverpebble said... 1 2

Have a lovely Christmas Lucie - lovely to meet you the other week. Your gorgeous decs are now in pride of place on the silverpebble tree. Hope to meet you again! Emma x

laputain said... 3 4

just a wee note to say thank you so much for my AMAZING bundle of goodies. It got a bit held up by a)dozy boyfriend forgetting to bring it home and b)boyfriend's work christmas party getting in the way.

Not only is it one of the most beautiful parcels I have *ever* received, the contents are an absolute treat. It was all I could do not to tell the boyfriend all about the amazing things I'd just got....which might rather spoil the christmas effect!

Absolutely worth every penny. delighted :o)

Francesca said... 5 6

happy christmas lu! see you next year. x