Monday, 18 January 2010

lookie here...

...a new colour-it-yourself poster for all you colouring fans...available at both etsy and folksy shops...


style='clear: both;'
laputain said... 1 2

good grief it's gorgeous. I may have to get me one although I would probably spend months beating myself up over colour choices.

The Scandi colour-it-yourself that I bought in my christmas haul went down very well with my architect friend Kate, by the way.

Wendy said... 3 4

Oh my goodness, LOVE IT!

Chantele Cross-Jones said... 5 6

I love it and I have that tin

Karen Lewis Textiles said... 7 8

That's beautiful, Lucie...yes, please ;-)

Lisa said... 9 10

love it!

Tracey said... 11 12

Its lovely lucie - can't I just have yours though please?

nell said... 13 14

hearts + colouring-in = perfect