Tuesday 12 October 2010

quartet of colour

quartet, originally uploaded by lusummers.

i've been playing with tiny painted shapes of colour this week - a labour of love! (the actual design is a quarter of this - i put it into repeat in photoshop) i'm thinking probably a quilt at some point, wouldn't that be cool?


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Andi said...

These are really gorgeous.
Bring on the quilt!!!


Fab. It reminds me of the patterns I used to spend hours colour when I was younger. Do you remember the colouring books? I spotted one not so long ago and got excited thinking that my daughter would love it. She turned her nose up though and opted for a princess colouring book instead!!! I will have to show her this then she understands!

Claire Vincent said...

looks like a lot of work to me! You are very brave if you make it into a quilt.