this is rather old news but the truth is, when i received my box of complimentary issues from the lovely people behind quilting arts magazine, i tidied them away in such a greatly brilliant place i'd forgotten where they were. so when i found them a few minutes ago on top of the fridge (yep, i told you it was greatly brilliant) i thought i'd not only mention that i happen to be on the front cover with not one but two of my projects, i'd also have a giveaway! yay!
this is a great big fat magazine/book (you may have gathered it might be somewhat weighty there being 101 projects and all) and has been split into 8 project sections:
patchwork gifts, me, decor, dining, studio, quilts, kids and pets. there are some great projects, 4 of them from me, haha. i particularly love the soft sided portfolio and fabric envelope pockets by missy shepler in the patchwork gifts section, and the bright hopes pencil case by kaelin telschow is particularly lovely in the patchwork studio section.
if you'd like to win a copy of this great magazine, please leave a comment telling me your favourite patchwork block. this is open to worldwide readers, although i might change my mind if it costs me an arm and a leg to send it to you (i'm joking.) i will pick out a winner on saturday when i remember...good luck! please remember to leave your name and your email address. failure to do this will mean i'll pick another winner...so don't miss out! do as i say! ;)
style='clear: both;'-
26 July 2011 at 15:29
26 July 2011 at 15:30
26 July 2011 at 15:36
liberal sprinkles
26 July 2011 at 15:40
Pink Stitches
26 July 2011 at 16:03
26 July 2011 at 16:29
26 July 2011 at 17:18
Julie ... Lush!
26 July 2011 at 17:32
26 July 2011 at 17:48
26 July 2011 at 19:17
lamina@do a bit
26 July 2011 at 21:12
Yorkshire Quilter
26 July 2011 at 22:49
Sally Waters
27 July 2011 at 08:09
The Rainbow Room
27 July 2011 at 08:41
27 July 2011 at 17:56
27 July 2011 at 18:26
27 July 2011 at 22:38
27 July 2011 at 23:26
27 July 2011 at 23:45
28 July 2011 at 09:13
28 July 2011 at 20:59
28 July 2011 at 22:19
29 July 2011 at 01:34
29 July 2011 at 15:47
29 July 2011 at 17:00
30 July 2011 at 01:36
30 July 2011 at 17:34
A sucker for a giveaway am I! I love a crazy patch a bit more than a formal one, though log cabin quilts make me happy. My email is sue.schlabach@myfairpoint.net
My favorite is pinweel,I love this block
I love doing log cabin blocks and right now I'm working on 14-patch scrappy blocks for a scrap vomit quilt :-)
Hello! I love the works of Suzuko Koseki in Playful Patchworks. Too gorgeous for words!
Thanks for the chance and best wishes,
liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance of winning a copy.
Can't say I have an all time favourite block as I keep changing my mind but at the moment I am loving dresden plate blocks!!
I've had you in my googlereader for ages, but I don't think i've ever left a comment before...nothing like a giveaway to bring out the lurkers!
Right now i'm loving experimenting with blocks and coming up with ones I haven't yet seen (i'm pretty sure they're all in books somewhere- nothing new under the sun!) so this Angel Fish block i've just made is pretty high on my list: http://abigailryanblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/rocking-friday-night.html
And i've just made a scrappy log cabin: http://abigailryanblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/scrappy-log-cabin.html which has filled me with inspiration :)
Right now I am loving the cathedral window block, with its roots in origami, I am enjoying folding and hand sewing.
I know nothing about patchwork blocks so can't really enter, but just wanted to say Congratulations (again!) and I'm dead nosey I'd love a proper look! :0)
My favorite blocks are maverick stars! love them. can never have too many. followed closely by log cabin blocks. amandahall25 at gmail dot com
I love flying geese and I'm determined to try the circle of flying geese!
Ha ha ha on the fridge... that's so funny :) I have been dying to do patchwork... I love the stuff you have been doing! I really love the pinwheel block... love triangles! :)
Thanks for a great giveaway
This isn't fair - choosing a favourite block is like choisng a favourite child!
Based on the fact is has a bit of a lot of things, I think if I had to choose it would be the Jewel Box with hts & 4 patches ;-)
Congrats on getting 2 projects on the cover of the magazine - it looks fab!
Wow - great giveaway! I'm in a nautical mood with it being summer and all that so I'm loving 'Ship at Sea' at the moment. My email is: littlesallywaters@btinternet.com
Well done on the front cover!!!! I know nothing about patchwork but would love to learn.... have grand plans for making a quilt for my daughter with lots of love hearts on it - does that count as a block? Go on let me in : )
I'm currently totally in love with flying geese. I'm working on a project with them, and they are on the brain. Congrats on being included in the 101 Patchwork Projects magazine!
parandroid7 at gmail dot com
Oi Lu count me in for the giveaway lovely, seen as though you never told me you'd a box full of the mag when I asked you where I coukd get it months ago!!!
Ooo ooo ooo - these mags are quite difficult to get hold of in the UK. Would looove to get my hands on one. Favourite block of the moment is the Apple Pie!
Only just discovered your blog so, hello :-)
I really like the look of flying geese, but I am totally loving hand sewing scrap hexes together and have been for the last year. It's slow going, but that's ok because the completed quilt will be mine and not having a set deadline makes it relaxing.
I'm making hexies at the moment but I'd love to try out the LynneBobSquarePants from Lily's quilts.
My all time favourite quilt design is Storm at Sea but a single block doesn't do anything- so I find Snowball blocks super... you can use the middle to showcase a fabric design, fill with applique or focus on the corner triangles... Had Quilting Arts from issue 1 but then the shelf broke under the weight.....
i want to win.
I love you.
do I qualify for a freebee?? Hope so!I think log cabin is best particularly if its wobbly. yvonne@yvonnebrown.co.uk
Mariner's Compass is my all-time fav. Thanks.
I have yet to start my first quilt, but would love to have a go at the simple old fashioned patchwork quilt, before getting too fancy!! Love your stuff, keep up the good work!
I really like the block 'Swing in the centre", an X type traditional block. Congrats on your projects! I haven't seen this magazine in the UK yet but it looks packed full of great ideas
I'd choose log cabin or pinwheel, depending on the day.
I love a wonky log cabin, though that might be as it's the only one I've really attempted!
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