...of fat quaterly this time around is about alternative fabrics...so they asked me for a little how-to for a paper quilt. my droplets poster is always really popular in my etsy shop, so much so i've actually had to stop producing it because so many have gone missing in the post, i had to replace 6 of them, and i just can't afford to do that. anyway, i love the simplicity of the piece so decided to make a mini quilt with the same elements. i think it turned out pretty sweetly. it resides on the window ledge near my purple sofa and it's really rather cheerful :)
if you want to subscribe to fat quaterly, click here and follow the links. it's really a worth while buy - i often browse the back issues and find them really inspiring. loads of projects and masses of interviews with some really interesting designers and quilty peeps. do it now, you won't regret it!
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