wednesday morning i was happily working away, in my pyjamas, bed hair and all packing mug orders for all the lovely lovely people who took me up on my BOGOF offer, when all of a sudden i managed to slice the side/top (corner?) of my finger off with my rotary cutter. do you know in about 15 years i've never ever even cut myself a tiny bit with one of these? sheesh. it hurt quite a lot as you might think, and after sticking the wound under a tap and hopping about to try and make the pain go away (which didn't really work as a pain relieving activity) my 8 year old son rang the relevant people in my life (mum first, then my husband! ha!) and then i proceeded to get a little bit panicky about the loss of blood and started to cry. what a hero i am. to cut a long story short, i ended up at the local minor injuries unit where they bandaged me up and told me not to do it again. ok, i won't i said, then carried on packing mugs, because i may be a total baby when it comes to pain, but i'm nothing if not hardworking.
style='clear: both;'-
3 September 2011 at 11:57
lamina@do a bit
3 September 2011 at 13:58
3 September 2011 at 20:08
3 September 2011 at 22:00
4 September 2011 at 11:16
4 September 2011 at 21:50
Erin M.
5 September 2011 at 03:24
Hazel Terry
5 September 2011 at 07:13
5 September 2011 at 22:09
11 September 2011 at 18:09
Ouch! Really, that sounds so painful... oh, and that is one impressive bandage which I am sure will be able to milk lots of sympathy from! I hope it heals soon though... :)
Emma, x
Oh dear.. OUCH!! Yep I know how that feels... I've done that a couple of times myself!! It hurts for a long time! Gosh you are such a trooper ... getting on with your packing :) Hope it feels better soon!
oh love :-( my friend did that exact same thing at college so I know just what it looks like and how much it hurts (and - eek - I was the one that found the 'missing bit' on the floor - eugh). you have my complete sympathy. PS your boys are very well trained! Take care sweety x
I did this on my left hand a few weeks ago. I too tried running it under the tap, which helped not at all but did hurt like a bitch!
I had my ten yr old on stand by to call my mum in case I fainted.
Reading your account was like having deja vu.
Hope you heal quickly :-)
ooo, ouch! that just made me feet a little tingly! hope it heals soon :)
Ouch, Dude.
Also, how dare you have your mugs on special offer while I'm on holiday. Tsk, think of the Christmas shopping I could have sneaked in early!
Sounds awful. I wonder if it will keep you have have another sale sometime! Here's to quick healing
good bandage though :-) hope it heals soon:-D
oops.... join the club... I have changed the shape of the top of my finger too.... took my cutter to the hospital with my piece of finger still in it.... My nail has never grown properly since... Did you slice a bit off or make a deep cut?
Ouch ouch ouch. I feel quite sick at the thought... hope you are all better soon (we love our BOGOF mugs by the way...)
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