Tuesday, 11 September 2012

moda blog hoppety hop & giveaway!

the moda designer blog hop theme this time around is all about the places we live, and as usual i've rambled on, so i hope you enjoy!

me! hiding my bingo wings on the hottest day of the year
if you're new to this blog, hello, my name is lucie summers (generally known as lu) and i live on a farm with my farmer husband and 2 boys, an anti social ginger cat and a fairly scruffy looking chicken in suffolk which is in east anglia - if you can picture a map of the UK, the bit that sticks out to the right like a big round bum - well, that's east anglia and i live roughly in the middle of it. i'm a pattern designer and a screen printer and i also design for moda - my new line, 'summersville sping' is due out in february. 
i live in a tiny little village (pop: 550) that has one pub and one hotel and NOTHING else so you have to go a little further afield to do anything at all...shopping, eating out, going to the cinema...it's all a car journey away.

the village pub
i grew up in a small town called mildenhall which is 2 miles from the village where i live now. it is mostly famous for its US air base. it has the largest runway in europe (i think!) and after the opening ceremony of the london olympics the other week, michelle obama flew home from there. when i was a kid, mildenhall air base was host to the largest airshow in europe, but after 9/11 it was stopped for security reasons. although we live quite rurally, the base can be seen over the river across the fields from my back door. i've grown up with sounds of aircraft over my head!

mildenhall is also famous for the mildenhall to melbourne air race that took place in 1934. it was a huge deal back then with all the glamourous 'flying stars' of the era taking part, it's worth looking up on google, there are some amazing stories. my brother nick is obsessed with it and collects air race memorabilia, he's become quite the expert and curated an exhibition for the local museum a few years ago. my favourite story is about the lady who asked to travel on board a bi-plane to visit australia and spent the entire time knitting! 

poster for the air race
in 1942, the mildenhall treasure was unearthed by a farmer in a field. It was the biggest ever treasure trove found at the time and there was all sorts of controversy over it.  roald dahl wrote a brilliant kids book about it with amazing illustrations by ralph steadman. definitely worth a look.

piece of treasure!
roald dahl's book
nobody except my closest friends know what i do for a living. if people at the school gates ever ask they usually say stuff like "ohhhhh, my mum likes scrap booking" (?) or "my friend is really crafty!" or they ask me to put a new zip in their jeans. sigh.

win some summersville. but not the random horse, he's mine :)
i hope you've enjoy hearing about my hometown...now i'd like to hear about yours! & so i've got a giveaway for you - to win a fat quarter bundle of my entire original 'summersville' line all you need to do is tell me whereabouts in the world you live and what your hometown is called. this giveaway is open to anyone anywhere so get commenting :) and remember to keep on hoppin'!

visit today's other blog hop designer, COTTON WAY  then the rest of the hop is as follows:

sept. 12

sept. 13

sept. 14

prizes are announced on each blog and winners chosen on sept 15th so remember to come back and check to see if you've won. you will also want to stop by moda's blog the Cutting Table  all throughout the hop. 

good luck!

don't worry if you don't have any luck in the prize draw, everyone is a winner because to celebrate the hop moda are providing a block pattern that can be created using the latest moda precut, the 21/2" mini charm pack. 
download the PDF by clicking here

thanks so much for visiting, i hope you enjoyed it :)


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luvtoquilt said...

Your town sounds charming. I think it would be delightful to live in such a small community with no distractions -- plenty of quiet time to quilt! We live in Visalia, California. Looking forward to seeing your new line of fabric!

Donna said...

Panama City, FL which is known for beautiful emerald beaches and sunshine (well most years we capture the sunshine - we have had 2 rainy summer months for 2012).

Candy said...

My husband was in the Air Force and we once lived in a town in South Carolina named Summerville, as quaint and colorful as your Summersville fabric line! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent.

Cindy L said...

As I read your story, I could hear you speaking it. We had wonderful British neighbors and I always enjoyed our conversations because of the accent and I was always called"Love". I am from El Paso, TX, home of the BEST Mexican food!! I now live in Austin, Tx, home of GREAT bar b que and Round Rock Donuts.

Unknown said...

I live in the Minneapolis, MN area, know for its wonderful bike paths and parks.

Janet said...

What an interesting blog. I live right smack in the middle of the USA..on a farm as well. Our closest town is 15 miles away; also with a population of 500. The name is Fowler, Kansas. jmh

Anonymous said...

if you look at the United States and put I live at about the center of the US. The town that my mail is delivered from is Elwood Nebraska. terriud@atcjet.net

Unknown said...

I also live in a small town, no grocery,its all a car hop away. Thankful for my little quilt shop 30 miles away. Love your fabric, patterns, and small town.

Joy said...

Hi Lu!
I enjoyed your post! I live in McKinney, Texas in the USA.
Thank you,

Donna said...

Hi from McCormick SC also a small rural town in the southeast USA. It used to be a "happenin" place when gold was discovered and mined. Sigh. No more gold except in jewelry stores.
Would love to visit Mildenhall and East Anglia.

Unknown said...

I love tiny villages like yours! I live in the deep south, roughly in the center of GA, in a town known as Milledgeville. It was a planned capital city of GA, named after John Milledge, and served as capital from 1804-1867. We have a few historical buildings that survived Sherman's march to the sea. We have 2 colleges here, one is a division of the state university and one is a junior military college. I'd love to win some Summersville! Thanks for the chance!

Mommo said...

I live in Tipp City Ohio in the USA. We also live near an airforce base so I too have the buzz of airplanes overhead very often.
Thanks for the chance to win.

tpott said...

I can't even imagine living in a town of 550, it must be nice to know everyone. ;-> I live in south eastern New York. Our part is the island (Long Island) hanging off in the Atlantic ocean, our town is named Yaphank. ;-> Toni Anne

Helen Lay said...

I live in York, UK, came here to University from the south coast 11 years ago and never left. I miss the sea though but we have an annual holiday in Southwold to make up for that a bit so I do travel through your part of the country then.

Anonymous said...

My name is Nanette and I live in Vancouver Washington. Washington is known as the evergreen state and is beautifully green all year round. Your new collection is beautiful!!

Monica said...

I live in Granbury, TX, famous for being the final resting place of Billy the Kid. However there are other places in the US that make that claim also. We do have a celebrity that lives here...Chewbacca...or rather Peter Mayhew, the man who played the character.

Claire Davenport said...

I live in Tilsworth (Beds), where there's a pub and... nothing else! My hometown is Harrogate, oop north in Yorkshire, where there's considerably more :)

Unknown said...

Hi... from Mayville, MIchigan. A village of farmers and quilters. There are a few others, but they don't know what they are missing. LOL

Sarah said...

I'm a transplanted Scot but for the last 8 years I've lived in Ely, Cambridgeshire - just down the road from you! Love Summersville and am eagerly awaiting Summersville Spring!

Liz said...

Thanks for sharing! I live in Aitkin , Minnesota and my friend Sally is back after living many years in England! Your fabric looks luscious:)

LauraP said...

Morning. My hometown is Fergus Falls, MN. The all American City. We could be by water riding bike within 10 mins. It was a great place to grew up. It was great meeting you.

Cindy said...

Hi Lu, I live in Grand Ledge, Michigan, USA. It is a small town but close to 'big town' quilt shops.

Janet said...

Love the sound of your hometown and your farm!

I'm in Costa Mesa, which is in Southern California (US) - close to everything! Several cats, a couple of dogs and a surly parakeet keep me and my husband on our toes!

Thanks for the opportunity - love your fabric!

TLC said...

Since you know all about The American Air Force, I'll tell you this. As an AF spouse and AF mom we were taught home is where the Air Force sends you. Alas, my DH retired after 28 years. We're back in Ohio where he met me in 1983 as a young butter bar. BTW home of the USAF Marathon this weekend.

Cindy said...

I am unable to open the PDF of the free pattern. Any suggestions?

Jane said...

I'm in Chattanooga, TN, USA, which is kind of in the mountains and very pretty!

Tiara said...

I love love love your line. Its been so great seeing what everyone has created with it on flickr. I live in the north Ga mountains. Small population but lots of festivals especially in the fall

Gwen said...

I love Summersville!! :-) Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful bundle of fabric-- and for showing us around your hometown.

I grew up in a small town in south Alabama, called Robertsdale-- the "hub city" (because it's centrally located in our county). Probably the two biggest things that occurred in Robertsdale were the Baldwin County Fair every October, and the livestock auction every Monday. When I was very young, I remember there being a rodeo-type event- (I think it was in conjunction with the Fair)- and there were all sorts of events- such as the "Greased Pig Chase" (which I was too scared to enter) and the "Chicken Chase"-- which I *did* enter, but wasn't able to catch one! LOL I love small town America!

Willa said...

I llive in a smallish town in North Carolina. Matthews.

Gill said...

I live in England in an even tinier village! less than 100 people! Our nearest town is Gloucester - parts of the Harry Potter films were made in Gloucester cathedral!

janice said...

I live in Aledo Illinois. A small midwest town. Love your fabric! Thanks.

Rebecca said...

My current hometown is Fort Worth, TX. It's a bit bigger than yours, but I still find it quaint. I love the Summersville line. I just saw it on a blog about a month ago and thought it would be perfect for a quilt for my nephew.

Jeanne said...

My hometown is North Platte, NE. It is best known for a very large rail yard and Buffalo Bill Cody. He lived here and performed his first ever Wild West Show here.

lu summers said...

am LOVING finding out where you all live!
sorry about problems with opening the PDF, i had it set on 'private', but have now changed it to 'public'...please shout if you have any more problems xxx

Anonymous said...

Good morning from Godfrey Illinois! Laura Benthien

Sherry said...

I live in a town called Lakes Stevens, Washington. We are just a little north of Seattle and are surrounded by mountains and my house is just a few blocks from the lake. One thing we get a lot around here is rain. I enjoyed reading about your home town.

The Nebby Needle said...

We just recently moved from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area to Piney Flats, Tennessee in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains on Boone Lake...love it here! Love your fabrics too! ~*

Carolyn said...

Lovely designs!

I grew up in Florida in a little town called Orlando; at least it was little until Mickey Mouse arrived. ;-)

I now live on the Space Coast of Florida, which has an interesting mix of nature and rockets.

Unknown said...

I live in Spokane, WA...not a little town but not huge either. Your town sounds like a nice place to live...and that Mildenhall Treasure story was neat to read about...thanks for this fun contest.

Kristy said...

I too grew up in a small town, but now live in Cincinnati, Ohio...much much bigger. Where you live sounds charming. Thanks for the block pattern it is darling. I think your fabric line looks fabulous. Kristy Soardkg@fuse.net

Fran said...

My hometown is Greenville, SC but I now live just a bit south of Atlanta, GA. Thanks for the great giveaway!

RSHudson said...

I live in Murfreesboro, TN; it's nice and the people are mostly friendly for a town of about 100,000. We're just a few hours' drive from the beautiful Smoky Mountains. LOVE your line Summersville; thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

Wendy said...

Sorry but my entry isn't going to be very interesting or exotic for you you. I live in Nottingham. See, told you!

Anonymous said...

I live in a little town call called Rome, PA, which doesn't have much more population than you do. People refer to my sewing as, do still do your little thing. Geesh!

Lou said...

I live in Copperas Cove Tx by the largest military base in the world. Ft Hood Tx. I have lived here for over 30 years so guess it is my hometown:)

debra said...

I reside in Englewood,Florida a small town but not nearly as tiny as yours. It sounds beautiful and looks like it from pictures. I am also married to a farmer by trade.Thanks for the opportunity to win your fabric always a fan.

Aubs said...

I live in Payson, Utah which is about 5 miles from my hometown of Salem, Utah.

Anonymous said...

I'm in St. Thomas, in beautiful southwestern Ontario in Canada. The railway capital of Canada, and also famous for being the place where Jumbo the elephant was killed by a train. Love your fabric! Thanks for the chance to win.
Debbie R.

SueB said...

Thanks for sharing. I live in Wytheville Virginia, USA in a small town.

Anonymous said...

You did an excellent job describing your home town. My name is Sandi and I grew up in a small town called Jamestown, CA. Our house is directly across from Railtown where Engine No. 3 is well known for movies and their actors. I have a scrapbook where I have collected famous autographs. So I grew up listening to the whistle of that train. My uncle was a conductor and and I actually worked one summer for the wine and cheese run. I actually got to pass a tray filled with pieces of bread around to the people, then passed around a tray of different assortment of cheeses and then pour glasses of wine to the people. It was fun. After going to Modesto Junior College for two years, I got a job and then got married. I moved to Sonora, where I live only 3 miles from my mother and my sister. Sonora is called the foothill and you can drive to San Francisco in about 2 1/2 hours. Sonora is becoming a city. We now have stoplights and bypasses and lots more people who come to live here to retire and to get away from the bay area. Thank you for the free pattern and a chance to win a fat quarter bundle of new your line.

Sandi T.

Linda said...

I live in Marsing, Idaho, population 1031. We are known for our beautiful fruit orchards.

sharon said...

I live in Boise, Idaho in the foothills of the mountains. So pretty here when it snows! I enjoyed hearing about your little town. I love your new fabric line and I really hope I win! (fingers crossed) :D

Anonymous said...

Right now I live in the Maryland suburbs of Washington DC but I grew up in Niagara Falls (USA side) just four blocks from the river!

Shawna G. said...

I live in Springfield, OH, USA. It's always so fun to hear the stories of other quilters in other countries. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

DianneB said...

I live in Kelowna British Columbia, Canada. Great vacation place in the summer and good skiing in the winter! I'm always surprised when I read from a fabric designer that people don't know what they do - their loss. Your very talented.
Thanks for the giveaway!

susiefloozie said...

I live just east of the Mississippi river in Troy, IL. We are a small farming community but we have our very own quilt shop!

Mary said...

Lovely to hear about your home in the UK. My mother-in-law is a British war bride. She is an American citizen now, but still speaks with a strong British accent. She lived through the Blitz, lost her home, her father, her fiance in the war; then married my husband's father. He sent her out of England to HIS mother in the States when she became pregnant with their first child. Alice lives in western Nebraska (we live in eastern Nebraska), which is in middle of the US - north to south, east to west, right in the middle. It's the Great Plains area, it's big sky country; we love it here.

Rebecca said...

Thank you for telling about your area -- I think at times I forget that Great Britain has rural areas!
What do you grow/raise on the farm?
I live in a tiny town too called Lenoir, North Carolina. We are i n the foothills of the Smokey Mountains and blackberries are one of the "native crops" that really grow well here. We raise Belted Galloway cattle--a fascinating breed who share their pasture with a few flock of wild turkey!

wendy howarth said...

I live in Totnes, Devon, U.K. A small, very old town with a reputation for its eccentric individuality! In reality it's a friendly town with a zest for living, near the moors and the sea with an easy going pace of life.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I grew up in a large village called Marske-by-the-sea in the north-east of England which used to have an RFC/RAF landing strip (and aerodrome) - the author of the Biggles books was based there for a time during WW1. I don't live that far away now, just the other side of the train tracks! I'm really enjoying this blog hop!

DJCoolbear said...

I live in Barking, London. But my hometown is Wellington, NZ - known as windy Wellington but is the most beautiful harbour city on a fine day. I live on the water now but miss going into town and being able to sit on the beach.

Jodi said...

Not that I'm a fabulous designer like you, and YOU ARE, I sigh when friends ask me to fix their handbag straps, or shorten their tanktop straps (I don't make clothing - maybe someday). I live in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the US of A.

Carla said...

Greetings, from the midwest and eastern shore of Lake Michigan. Love the tour of your little town, and the fabric lines are always so clear, clean and easy on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

I live in Bucharest, Romania, but I was born and raised in a city called Targoviste. My hometown is very quiet, with some beautiful parks and not so many shopping centers!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Carol said...

I live in the small town of Calumet, Michigan (USA). It was a busy town in the early 1900's when the copper mines were at their peak. The mines have been closed for many years and the population has shrunk to the point where it's much more comfortable to me.

Denise said...

Your town seems to be quite idyllic. I would really enjoy visiting the area. I am from Mason City, Iowa, which is a bit north of the center of the US. Cold in winter and hot in summer! Thank you for sharing your design talents...and your goodies.

Sally K said...

Loved the tour! We live in Piedmont, Oklahoma in the middle of the United States. A small town, but not nearly as small as yours. We've really had an international trip with all the Moda designers' hometowns. Thanks for sharing yours.

Kay said...

Hello from Lincolnshire. I live in a village just outisde of Lincoln which has 2 pubs, 2 primary schools, and 2 tiny shops. Luckliy if you need more than a loaf of bread Lincoln is a quick car ride away. Sadly there is no fabric shops for miles and miles. I love the quirky Summersville range, thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I live in Columbus, Ohio (USA). I love your fabric!

Connie said...

I live in Columbia City, Indiana. I would consider it a small town. But not as small as yours.

Marianne said...

Your small town is sweet! I live in Sarasota, Florida but do not like it much!

Glenys said...

I live in Malacca, Malaysia. It is on of the historical places in my country.

Quilt n Queen said...

Lu, thanks for sharing your quaint little town with us. I live in Canton Michigan in the USA but I was born and raised in Waterloo Ontario Canada. I've been married 42+ years and have had 13 different addresses in 2 countries, 10 addresses in the province of Ontario in Canada and 3 addresses in 3 different states in the USA. I've lived in Ohio, Tennessee and for the past 9 years I've been living in Michigan...and soon to move again, back 'home' to Canada. Thanks for sharing in Moda's 'hometown' blog hop! Love your Summersville line, thanks for the chance to win a FQ bundle...that would be as sweet as candy. Enjoy your day and happy stitching, Pauline

LKDrum said...

I loved the photo of your little town. I live in Maryville, TN in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. We are blessed with many quilters and quilt shops in our area and surrounding towns/cities. Thanks for your giveaway! Lana

johan en henny said...

Hi Lu! I live in a small town to and on a farm! My town is even smaller than yours , only 150 people here in Eesergroen in the Netherlands.

Anonymous said...

I love your little town and your fabric. I live in Maryland. Sandy

Linda said...

Heber Springs, Arkansas draws crowds of vacationers with its lake and associated activities and the clear, cold river for catch and release trout fishing.

Jill said...

I am from the Pacific Northwest and my hometown is Salem, Oregon.

kathyinozarks said...

I enjoyed reading about your town. My hometown is Mishawaka, Indiana named after a native american princess. I left there in the late 60s after graduating from HS
I am now retired and live in the woods here in the ozarks of Missouri. the little village nearby is eldridge and it only has a post office and a ma and pa gas station-so we are definately in the country-but loving it.
thanks so much for the chance at an awesome giveaway Kathy

Grammi Sharon said...

I live in Hillsboro, Oregon, just outside of Portland,Oregon in the Pacific Northwest. Portland is known as the City of Roses and is a gorgeous part of the US.

SusJor said...

I live in Omaha, Nebraska....land of the Plains Indians. The Omaha tribe originally lived on the land here so the city is named after them. Much of our geography is based on Indian words. Today we still have some areas of native meadows, plains and grasses that look the same as when the Pioneers first saw them.

Anonymous said...

Hi there....I live in Reno, Nevada and I love seeing photos and hearing about your hometown! Thank you for the chance to win some of your great fabric!

tamiquilts at att dot net

Hopeful Homemaker said...

I live in American Fork, Utah, United States. It's close to the mountains, a beautiful place to live! And I love your Summersville fabrics. I made the cutest ever pillow with them! Thanks!

Bunny said...

I'm from the small village of Ariss in Ontario, Canada. Someday I'd like to travel and see your part of the world.

Anonymous said...

I live in Rockford, Illinois, in the lovely midwest of the USA. We lived in England for 2 years in the Air Force, our oldest daughter was born at RAF Lakenheath. We absolutely love England and have returned several times. And I love your work!

Judith said...

Hello Lu, from Sunny South Texas. Our hometown is 10 miles outside of Victoria and 20 miles from the gulf coast. Thank you for sharing your part of the woods. Judith, Texas

suzanne said...

I live in New York City, Manhattan. I love it, this is where I belong. Your post was so refreshing and fascinating! What I picture about the UK outside of London comes exclusively from Jane Austen, sorry to say. Nice to hear something real, especially since my ancestors came from England.

Anne said...

Benton, Arkansas is called the geographical center of the state. My town is also known for a distinctive Mission Swirl pottery called Niloak. The name is the reverse spelling of "kaolin," the clay used to create the pottery.

Smeek said...

I have been admiring this fabric line and it is nice to see who designed it. I live in the USA, right in the center of the country in Liberal, KS. We have an airfield here as well. We also celebrate with Olney with the running of the Pancake Race every year. Hope I win and thanks for the giveaway.

suzanne said...

I live in New York City, Manhattan. I love it, this is where I belong. Your post was so refreshing and fascinating! What I picture about the UK outside of London comes exclusively from Jane Austen, sorry to say. Nice to hear something real, especially since my ancestors came from England.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lu From Southern California! I live in Newhall California which is north of Los Angeles. magic Mountain Amusement park puts us on the map. Also Silent Screen moviestar, Cowboy William Harts home is a county park and home of a herd of buffalo. They are a block from my house. Summer temperatures can hit 110 and in the winter we occasionaly receive a dusting of snow. i did attend the Farnborough Air years ago. Cant wait to read the Roald Dahl book you refered to. What a great author. love your designs.

Martha C. said...

Love fabrics & hearing about your hometown! I live in Alpharetta, Georgia which is a northern suburb of Atlanta.

Nicole said...

Everything sounds lovely! I live in central North Dakota in a small town called Carrington. Would love the fat quarter pack and can't wait for the spring line to come out. From the sneak peak in a previous post it looks perfect for my daughter's room!


Cindi said...

I love the picture of your village pub. Small towns are the best. Even if everyone asks you to fix their zippers. I had to chuckle about that. I live in the sticks, out in the countryside, well it seems that way because their are only 4 houses on our road. But we are quite close to Gainesville, GA which has almost everything that a city has except it still has a small town feel.

Your fabric is beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.

my place and times said...

Good Morning - I live in a small town in Apex, NC (USA). It's growing fast but still a warm place to live.
Fall has begun which makes it even nicer to live here.

Unknown said...

I live in Lexington, SC...and although it's not really known for much, the state of South Carolina is known for it's boiled peanuts! :)

Anonymous said...

Lu-Thanks for sharing the history of your area-it's very interesting. I was born/raised in San Francisco which is notorious for his announcement of the Gold Rush that caused the western expansion of the US to California. It's also famous for the hugh earthquake of 1906 that devastated the city creating it's "rebirth" I now live about 20 miles south near the airport for better weather and politics. Your fabric designs are fantastic-it must be fun to be able to create something that will be used world-wide! Thanks for sharing.

Vicki B said...

I am from Crofton, on the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. See you again on the 15th.

Syd said...

I live in a small rural town, Franklin, Idaho. It has only a convience store known as "The Home of the Utah Lottery", since we are about a mile from the Utah border. Also about 8 miles away is Preston, known for the movie "Napoleon Dynimite".

Lorrie said...

I too, am married to a farmer. We live near the little town of Monkton, Ontario, Canada. And we do NOT have a pub! However, we have a library, a community center & arena which is abuzz with ice hockey activity in our winter months.

Anonymous said...

It is so neat to hear all the different home towns of the bloggers and the people that comment. A big thanks to Moda for this hop! I live in Big Lake, Mn.

Staci said...

I was so shocked by the photo of the village! I know exactly where that is! We've driven by it countless times! We lived in Lincolnshire in the village of Branston (of pickle fame!) for 4 years and made many trips to your area. England is the my all time favorite place I ever lived.

Right now I live in the Arizona desert not far above the international border, but we'll be moving to central Texas early next year and off to have new adventures.

Just love Summerville! And look forward to your next fabric line with Moda.

Karen said...

I live on the other side of the pond in California. My town, Santa Rosa, is about 60 miles north of San Francisco and is famous for being Charles Schulz's, of Snoopy and Peanuts fame, hometown.

Lou said...

Colorado in the U.S. is home for me. I've always wanted to visit the UK as that is where my grandparents are from. Thanks for sharing about your hometown and the chance to win some beautiful fabric!

freakadoodles said...

Thanks for the tour! I am in Southwest Florida, in North Port, near the Gulf of Mexico.

Rita said...

wow! what a great opportunity, i love your fabrics -- they are so colorful and vivid. i love in mesa/phoenix, arizona, and it is known as the 'valley of the sun', which is so true! we broke several record highs this summer, it was a scorcher.

Lacey said...

I had never visited your blog before and find it quite charming!! It was fun learning about your hometown. . .mine is in the southwestern part of Minnesota called Clara City.

Jeanne said...

I live near Lansing, Michigan and love the Great Lakes in our state. Thanks for the giveaway.

Crystal said...

I live in Murphysboro, IL. It is a small town. The only thing famous here is the 17th Bar and Grill. Mike Mills owner has been on food channel for his famous BBQ. Also, this week is the start of the Apple Festival. Big parade, apple peeling contest, apple pie and all things made from apple. Great to hear about your town.

B Greene said...

So nice to learn a little more about you and where you live. I live in Milford, Pennsylvania in the NE USA. We are very close to the point where NY, NJ and Pennsylvania come together. Although we are VERY rural, we are still considered part of the New York City Statistical Area.

Sandy D said...

Bristol,Quebec CANADA is where I have lived for the past 42 years since I married my DH.I was raised in the city 50 miles away in Ottawa Ontario.Like you, to do anything we have to drive an hour.Theaters,malls even quilting classes and fabric stores.That is why having the internet is so great shopping for fabric, patterns or notions is only a click away.

Scrapatches said...

Hello ... thank you for the interesting read and the chance to win these lovely fabrics.

My home town is Lowell, Massachusetts, in the USA. This is an old cotton mill city and is home to a National Historical Park that has preserved some of the mill history. It is also home to the New England Quilt Museum and a state university. There are many pubs, restaurants, places to stay and things to see.

Have a happy quilty day ... :) Pat

peggy w said...

Summerville is great. I live in Lehi, Utah. Great place to live. Thanks for the great fabric and very generous givaway. pegwatkins@comcast.net

Barb66 said...

I live in Schenectady, New York. Your little town sounds lovely.

Jocelyn said...

I live in the Sunshine State of Florida. Our town is called Tampa. We are known for many things. In the beginning it was known for cigar factories, and now it's mostly known for National Football and Baseball teams. I love living in Florida as we have beautiful weather nearly year round. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sarina said...

I'd love to visit the UK someday! I live in Highland, UT. It is snuggled up against the mountains and I love it. I'd love to win some of your darling fabric!

Kathy MacKie said...

I retired to a beautiful place called Victoria which is in the province of British Columbia, Canada. I did grow up on a small farm in SK. so have many wonderful childhood memories. Thanks for your tour of where you live and your great giveaway.

Linda said...

Love the visual of your hometown! I live in a not so small town in Southern California that was called Dairy City..others were attracted here..thought the cows were stinky and moved them out and changed the name to Cypress. For over 30 years I ran Yankee Doodle Farm PreSchool here to give the children a taste of country..we had every animal except the "un allowed" cow. Would love to create something with your fabric!

BizyStitches said...

Hello: Thanks for the tour. My name is Jenelle. I live in Kansas, USA. The name of the town is Russell and it is almost in the center of the state. Thanks for the chance to win your lovely fabric.

Amelisdaughter said...

Hi Lucie,
I live in Petershagen. It is a small village nearby Berlin in Germany.
Thanks for the chance to win.

CathyK said...

It must be wonderful to live in a small village. Everyone must know each other! I live in Turlock, California in the U.S.A. Thank you for the chance!

Freddie said...

Didcot. We are famous for our power station. We do have a great railway centre as well though with steam trains.

Anonymous said...

I live in the Midwest My town of Shorewood is about an hour south of Chicago

Anonymous said...

I live in the Midwest My town of Shorewood is about an hour south of Chicago

Jennifer said...

I'd love to visit the UK someday. My hometown is Mechanicsville, VA
thanks for the chance to win.

Kristal said...

Fun stuff! I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Salt Lake is a pretty little city surrounded by mountains. We had the Winter Olympics here a while back. We love our mountains!

Ilana said...

I live in Lancaster, California which is the northernmost town in Los Angeles County.

Mom2RyandSis said...

I live in the US :) Dodgeville is the name of my hometown in
SW Wisconsin. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sheri in Iowa said...

I live in the middle of Iowa on a farm....we have lots of fields of corn and beans surrounding us and are going through a drought at this time, so the crops will not be so good this fall. It is a beautiful day. I loved hearing about your town!

Susan C said...

I live in the southeastern part of the US, in the small city of Aiken, South Carolina. Because of our mild winters we are known for our training facilities for race horses.

Elisabeth said...

Mildenhall sounds lovely. I live in Brampton a nice little village in Cambridgeshire but my hometown is in Switzerland. I was born in beautiful Nidau which is in the west of Switzerland close to the French border. I miss it and am hoping to move back next year.
Thank you so much for a fantastic giveaway!


Texas JennyWren said...


Judy said...

I live outside of Detroit, Michigan in a town called Sterling Heights, but we love to travel to our cottage in Northern Michigan. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, a little trip this AM as I prepare for the quild. I appreciate hearing of towns in places my grandparents might have emigrated to. Your fabric line is jist what is needed for contemporary quilts. Thanks from Vancouver B.C.Canada, a little south of Whistler. Ethel Snow

Pam said...

Hi Lu, nice to meet you! I love your line...very different from the colors I am used to. I live in the US, in Michigan ...the mitten state. In a town called Kalamazoo. Thanks for the chance to win some of your fabrics!

Samantha said...

I live in Surrey BC Canada! It is often rainy but we have nice green scenery because of it! Thanks for a chance to win your awesome fabric line! I love it!

Michelle Jensen said...

I am from Tooele, UT. We have beautiful mountains... we really really do. I really want to visit now. I love anything in Europe and I hope one day to get over there :) Thanks for the giveaway!!

Erin@Sew at Home Mummy said...

My dad is from a little village in Ireland much like yours - an Inn and a pub. That's it!
I live in Evanston, Illinois. Right on Lake Michigan, Evanston is the first suburb north of Chicago.
It's a wonderful place to live - we're originally from Vancouver, Canada, which couldn't be a better place to live but Chicago is the best alternative!

Donna~~ said...

Sounds like you live in a lovely place! I live in Eagle, Idaho--USA, in what used to be a smaller town of 2500 when we moved here and now is more like 20,000. It was mostly farm/ranch/horses/cows when we came 30 years ago, but now is just houses for people who work in Boise, the state capitol, which is 10 miles away.

suz said...

Loved hearing about your town. I grew up in a small town in New Hampshire that had a town hall, a general store and a post office, all at a cross road. The joke was that if you blinked you missed Chester. Now I live in Manchester, New Hampshire, the largest city in the state (about 125,000 people, small by US standards, but perfect for me). The city was designed by the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company, which was once the largest textile company in the world (in the 1800s!) It's a nice city and I love my small neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. Summerville is a great line of fabric and I am the proud owner of a layer cake. Can't wait to see your new line!

Gunilla said...

I live close to Göteborg in Sweden, and I really like the forrests close to the house, where you can walk (and get lost) for hours... I love picking blueberries in fall and swimming in the lakes in summer... Gives me sort of a calm...

Kelly G said...

Thanks for sharing. I want to know more about that treasure. (kellygreen3 at yahoo dot com)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Beth Strand and I live in Oregon City, Oregon (the End of the Oregon Trail.) My town is about 30,000 and I loved seeing your town, it reminds me of the Miss Read books that I love. Thanks for letting us visit!

Francine said...

Hi there, your town sounds really neat! I live in a tiny town called Nottingam, PA in the heart of Amish Country. Population - probably 1000, but after waiting for ten years WE FINALLY GOT A WALMART - yehaw!

Cotton Blossom said...

So nice to meet you Lu. I love Summersville btw! I live in Covington, Georiga, US. Our town is considered "The Hollywood of the South" as many films and television shows have been filmed here.

Mary said...

Hi, I live in Bluffdale, Utah. When I first moved here, I called it Schmuffdale, because I wasn't all that thrilled to move, or move here. I guess we could say we have one thing in common-In my city we home the Utah National Guard. All in all, quilting is great and keeps me grounded!

Beth B. said...

I like to say I live in the elbow of California (southeastern corner).

Mina said...

Hello Lu, I am Mina and I live in Houston, Texas !

Donna said...

My hometown is Burlington, Iowa. There are several Burlingtons scattered across the US map--mine sits on the mighty Mississippi River.

Sarah said...

Hello, I live in the middle of Washington state, not to be confused with Washington DC. My son's best friend and his wife are stationed at Mildenhall and are loving the area. Thank you for your blog.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

We don't live that far apart...that is if you draw a straight line from yours to mine :o) I'm in Rugby but I grew up in Montreal Canada so I'm not sure which of the two I'd call my "hometown" :o)

Please count me in on the giveaway :o)

lia said...

I live in a little village too in the south of the Netherlands. One positive difference is distance: shops here are not a car drive away but a bike drive. Holland is just a bit smaller than Australia. My quiltfabrics I have to buy online; no quiltshops nearby. I konw your fabric and like it.

Phyllis said...

I enjoyed reading your story. Where you live sounds so charming!
I live in a very small community called Mabelvale, Arkansas in the USA. It is located just outside the capitol city of Little Rock.
Little Rock is famous because former President Clinton was born in our state and was our governor. His presidential library is located right downtown along the Arkansas River. We have lots of beautiful lakes and rivers, along with some lovely mountain regions. There are great parks here as well.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Carole Kurth said...

Thank you for sharing your town! I live in Salem, state capital of Oregon; USA, and have been here all my life. Love hearing about other hometowns...Fun!

Anonymous said...

Will have to check out the Mildenhall to Melbourne air race...I live in Wisconsin. But my UK "hometown" is Liverpool - I worked there one summer. When I tried to explain where I was from I usually said "north of Chicago". :)
~ Debbie K.

Jilly said...

Hi Lu, I live in a cottage on a farm just outside Kirkby Lonsdale in Cumbria. My home town is St Neots in Cambridgeshire.

Richy Jr said...

Chewelah, WA... USA ALL THE WAY

Brigid said...

Your town sounds great! I live in Tooele, Utah. It's about 30 miles west around the mountain from Salt Lake. I love living in Tooele. It's not too big, not too small and a great place to raise our family.

Hildy said...

Your hometown sounds like a typical english small country town, really cosy! I live in Munich, Germany, a town with 1.4 million people. But it has a small town flair and it's a beautiful place to live.
Thanks for the giveaway and greetings from germany, Hildy

lefuntz said...

I live in Lakeside CA just outside of San Diego. We always have aircraft flying over as well. Which is why one of the things I remember most about 9/11 is the silence. It was great to visit your little village.

Corinne said...

Your hometown sounds charming! I love small towns. I have always lived in big cities and hope to one day retire to a small town once my life has settled down a bit :) Right now I call Austin Texas my home, but I also consider Washington, DC and Los Angeles California my hometowns as well. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jaci said...

I live in a small suburb of Salt Lake City, Utah. It's a small town, compared to Salt Lake, but there are quite a few shopping areas, cinema's and things to do. It's a great mix.

Marilee said...

Loved your locale story. I live in King City, Ca in the Salinas Valley, made famous by John Steinbecks book, East of Eden. You have revolutionalzed fabric with letters. I have always loved finding words on fabrics and I love your 'go withs'.

Rose M. said...

I would love to visit your little village - it sounds so serene! I live in Peru, IL which is located just about in the middle of the state and am surrounded by corn and soybean fields. It only takes about 2 hrs to get to downtown Chicago so if we want excitement we can always go there. Thanks for your awesome giveaway - I LUV the Summerville line!

nhlady said...

Good morning, Lu! Nice to meet you.

I live in a small town in New Hampshire called Loudon. Not London but Loudon.

We have the White Mountains here in New Hampshire and some wonderful coastline beaches. I love it all!

Your fabric is terrific and thank you for the giveaway!

Celine said...

Nice to meet you Lucie! I hope I will be able to meet you in person one day since I don't live that far away from you. I am in Bedfordshire (UK) but I grew up in a tiny village (220 inhab) in France near the battle of the Somme war fields. Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous, pretty gorgeous fabric!

Jan said...

I live in Murrieta, California. Murrieta is between San Diego and Orange County. It's a rural suburb, and there's lots to do.

giddy99 said...

I live in the smallish town of Dickson, Tennessee, in the USA, which is between Nashville, TN ("Music City") and Memphis, TN. I'm about a 45 minute to the outskirts of Nashville, where I have to drive to get lots of things (although we have some stores here, the selections are limited)....sigh... :)

Julie said...

I live in a suburb of Sacramento, CA - the state capital. Two hours to the mountains or the beach! Thanks for the chance to win!

Deb Fox-McHugh said...

Great block! thanks so much! I live in Rochester NY, but was actually born in the Birmingham, England area. I would love to come back for a visit sometime and see the whole country.

QuiltSue said...

You live in an area we know fairly well. MY DH is from near Cambridge and we spent most of our married life living around there. Now we live just outside Leeds - you know, "oop north".

Joe and Julianne said...

I live in Southern Utah -- Washington, UT to be exact. We are about 1 hour from Zions National Park and 2 hours or so from Bryce Canyon National Park and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Love it here! We also have some fabulous quilt stores so life is good! Love Summersville!

52knit4 said...

My Dad was stationed at Mildenhall when I was a kid and your corner looked so familiar. We spent 3 years there and it was the best place I ever lived in my childhood.....I hope to one day go back...Thanks for the memories you stirred today..they are great memories......ones I haven't visited since 1979.......Wow! I think I need to call my dad.

Anonymous said...



Siobhán said...

How fun to read about you and your area of the world. I've been to England before but mostly to the north. My DH is a crazed golfer and 'touring Britain' meant 'going to St. Andrews' to him. LOL My current hometown is Ennis, in the west of Ireland.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Lisa said...

Hi Lu, I live in Leeds, UK, so the complete opposite to you on the farm near a village. I once moved to a house at the end of a cul-de-sac next to open land, but the silence drove me crazy. I'm a city girl through and through. Now I live only 4 miles away from where I was born and find it hard to think i'll live anywhere else in my life.

Met you briefly at FoQ with Brioni. Love your work & very excited for the next instalment. X

Ann said...

Try Again! I live outside of a little town Trinity Alabama. We are close to Decatur and Huntsville. Huntsville has the Space and Rocket Center and NASA. Also home of the baseball team Huntsville Stars.

Julie S said...

I totally enjoy reading international blogposts about hometowns! Thanks for sharing about your unique hometown. I live in the Seattle, Washington area, but my real hometown is where I was born and raising...Edgerton, Minnesota. It is still a small rural town where the main street is lined with pickup trucks!

Jordan said...

I would love to visit the UK sometime soon!!! :D I live in Houston, TX right in the middle of the largest Medical Center of the U.S.

Miss Jean said...

I've always wanted to go to England. Your little village sounds just charming. I live in a town outside of Denver, Colorado called Centennial. It's a newish town so not a lot of history here. However, our claim to fame is that it's the hometown of Olympic swimmer, Missy Franklin.

klk said...

Fascinating history. I have always loved everything British and everything air race so it's doubly fascinating for me. I'm also envious of the local pub. I live in Harlan, Iowa and have lived in Iowa most of my life, except for a stint in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I grew up on a farm and loved it! We live on a little over 5 acres in the country and love the peace and quiet. I work at keeping the weeds out of my gardens and making room for more flowers. I also spend a great deal of time wrangling cats.

Ann in NC said...

Looks like a fun line of fabric!Sounds like all kinds of history in your village. Can't think of anything as inetersing to tell you about Randleman NC... if you are a car racing fan, you may have heard of Richard Petty.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE Summersville! I live in Denver, Colorado where we have 300+ days of sunshine a year and are very close to the Rocky Mountains.
Nancy in Denver

Nati said...

I live in Luxembourg, but my home town is in the suburbs of Buenos Aires in Argentina... I have travelled quite a bit! Thanks for the chance to win

sydthewyd said...

My hometown is Healdsburg, California but I have been living in London for the past 2+ years. Then I joined the LMQG, did a silk screening workshop with you (thanks so much!!!) and basically wanted to steal all of your Summersville bolts. And your quilts. Just FYI ;)

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Hello Lu - lovey description of where you live! I am originally from a small town of 7500 people called Renfrew in the Ottawa Valley. It has grown A LOT since I left at age 10. Maybe they were waiting for me to leave to expand the town and population? Anywho... now I live in London and love being so close to the 'big smoke' and hanging out with all the peeps in the guild :)

Grandma Rita said...

Eau Claire, WI is my hometown now but England is my hearts home! My husband was stationed at RAF Woodbridge for 3 years and I worked on RAF Bentwaters. I think both bases are closed now. We have visited Mildenhall, a lovely spot. I have so many wonderful memories of England, I hope someday to be able to visit again.

Proverbs3122 said...

I live in Rogersville, a small community in the area of Alabama known as The Shoals, a beautiful area in NW Alabama.

Mary said...

I live in Oregon City Oregon, in the Pacific NW part of the US. We're known for our history.

Beth J. Beal said...

Very nice to see you home town! I have a couple of friends in the UK and I always find your towns lovely! I live just outside Charlottesville, VA which is in Central, Virginia in the USA. My are is best know for Thomas Jefferson and his home, Monticello and his University, The University of Virginia which also happens to be where I work! Thanks again for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lu, I'm so glad I've found your blog during this Moda BlogHop. I live in mid-Michigan, USA. Michigan is the state that is shaped like a mitten (well, the lower peninsula, that is). When we show strangers where we live, we put up our left hand and point to a place below the middle knuckle. That's where I live. Michigan is known for lots and lots of fresh water lakes, which means lots of summer fun - boating, sailing, swimming, and so on. Great place to raise a family.

Unknown said...

I live in Godley, Texas. It is a very small town. It is known for it's history in the Chisholm Trail cattle drives. Thank you for a chance to win!

Christine said...

I live in Gilbert, Arizona. It's actually been raining quite a bit lately and my husband was just saying that it was like we lived in England. I thought it was a bit of a stretch especially without all the green!

Maureen said...

What a delight to read about your hometown. Mine is a large city, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, & I love living here. I have great access to everything...you name it, we have it! I also have quick access to the USA which is awesome for a day out shopping!
Thanks so much for the chance at the give-away...I love the look of "Summersville".

Meredith said...

Your hometown sounds delightful! I live in Nacogdoches, TX - the oldest town in Texas!

Chesapeake Jane said...

Thanks for sharing Lu. I visited England several times and have always enjoyed the countryside. I live in Chesapeake Virginia between the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay. It's only a quick trip down the road to Corolla NC where wild horses roam the beaches. Thank you for a lovely blog.

Cecilia said...

Hello from San Diego, CA!

Catskill Quilter said...

I love hearing about everyone's home towns, and I can really relate to a population of 550 people! I currently live in Green Cove Springs, Florida, right on the St. John's river.

Laura K said...

We live in Eagle Mountain Utah but I grew up in Lake Forest California!

Heather said...

I live in the USA in Broomfield, Colorado. Thanks for the giveaway!

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