Thursday, 8 August 2013

Dashing in... let you know something exciting...I got an email yesterday late afternoon telling me the quilt mum and I entered called 'quarter' won third prize! I took a couple of snaps for you, but the lighting is never that great is it? anyway, i'm so thrilled and excited! the show is going to be amazing, so many lovely quilts and SO much fabric it's overwhelming! 


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Jo Jo said... 1 2

Wish I was going!! Congratulations, it is a very beautiful quilt! Have a great time.

Yorkshire Quilter said... 3 4

Congratulations! Great quilt, love the softness of the colours you choose. Any chance of some hints or a tutorial on how to keep improv piecing flat?

Quiltjane said... 5 6

Congratulations. That is absolutely gorgeous. The use of pastels and neutrals over the the deeper and colourful solids rocks.

Sarah said... 7 8

congrats, i do love it!

Judith said... 9 10

Well done you and your Mum.It is a fabulous quilt.

Mary said... 11 12

Well done! It's a beautiful quilt. Have fun at the show.

Tina Short said... 13 14

Wow, congratulations. Lots of photos please with you standing beside it!

Elisabeth said... 15 16

Congratulations! I wish I could see it in real life. Have fun at FoQ.

Mary Keasler said... 17 18

fabulous. congratulations, you should be very proud.

Leanne said... 19 20

Congratulations! It is so nice to see such a modern quilt winning prizes, it is stunning.

pennydog said... 21 22

Aww I didn't see this one!

Poppyprint said... 23 24

Well deserved! Congratulations to you both!!

Anonymous said... 25 26

Whoa, I don't think I've ever seen an edgy pastel quilt before! This is incredibly gorgeous and sophisticated, and I'm thrilled to hear it got the recognition it deserved. Was the piecing horribly difficult?

Kollabora, the online crafting community I'm part of, recently added a quilting section, but there's not much in it yet, let alone many original designs. Can I persuade you to show this off over there? I really want my crafty friends to start using more pastels.

Cheryl Arkison said... 27 28
